Should You Pay Off Your Student Loans Early?
June 23, 2014
With more than $1 trillion outstanding in student debt (some of it mine!), it’s no surprise that many college grads and others are trying to figure out how to repay their loans. For those with jobs that allow it, the next question is whether or not it makes sense to pay off student loans early. […]
6 Tools to Help You Pay Off Debt and Reach Your Goals
March 3, 2014
At the beginning of this year, many made financial resolutions. One of the most popular resolutions made by Money Smart Life readers, as well as people all over the world, is to pay off debt. If you want to pay off debt and become financially free, there are a number of tools that can help you […]
How to Borrow Money if You’re Bankrupt
January 23, 2014
One of the most difficult situations to overcome is bankruptcy. When you declare bankruptcy, it can be difficult to recover – and to convince creditors to lend to you again. While it might be difficult to find lenders after you file for bankruptcy, it is possible to borrow money even in this dire situation. Getting […]
Get Out of Debt Support Groups: How One Can Help You
January 22, 2014
When you are trying to do something big and life-changing, you often need support. It’s difficult to make the big changes in your life if you feel that you are on your own. One of the biggest changes you are likely to make is the decision to get out of debt. Without support, though, you […]
How to Avoid the Balance Transfer Trap
January 14, 2014
Balance transfer cards can be a useful tool for reducing your interest rate and helping you pay off your debt faster. With the right balance transfer offer, more of your monthly payment can go to the principal, and you will pay less over time – in addition to getting out of debt quicker. Unfortunately, as […]
Debt and Marriage: What You Should Know Before the Wedding
January 13, 2014
Debt can ruin a marriage, so how can you beat debt before your wedding day? Although you many not be able to eliminate debt before tying the knot, there are steps to prepare for debt in married life. Dating and Debt When you get married, your two families become one and so do your personal […]
Should You Save for Retirement or Pay Off Debt?
January 10, 2014
Should you save for retirement, or pay off debt? Tough question. Living in the shadow of debt can be frustrating and difficult. As a result, many are anxious to get rid of debt as quickly as possible, choosing to tackle the debt before they start saving for retirement. This might help you feel better, but […]
5 Personality Traits that Can Help You Pay Off Debt
January 7, 2014
Are you trying to pay off debt? It can seem like a long slog sometimes . . . especially if you haven’t developed personal traits that can help you in your efforts. If you want to pay off debt there are some essential personality traits that you need to develop (if you don’t have them […]
Do You Have a Debt Payoff Support System?
January 6, 2014
Debt is often very difficult to handle. Indeed, debt affects more than your finances; it can also affect your emotional wellbeing and impact your relationships. As you tackle debt, it is important that you have a debt payoff support system. Do your best to find people that can help you stick with your goal while […]
Does it Always Make Sense to Pay Off a Mortgage Early?
December 27, 2013
One of the goals of those who long to be debt-free is to pay of the mortgage early. The idea is that once other debts are taken care of, it’s time to focus on paying down the mortgage. There are a number of strategies you can employ to pay off your mortgage early, from switching […]