4 Keys to Getting Out of Debt

October 30, 2012

It is so much easier to get into debt than it is to get out of debt. You’ve already signed up for years of payments and tons of interest. Those factors make it really hard to just change your mind today and be out of debt tomorrow – regardless of what debt reduction methods you […]

What is a Good Credit Score for Buying a House?

October 26, 2012

Getting a mortgage today is still difficult. Guidelines are tight, and credit scores matter more than ever. Before applying for a mortgage, there are a few things you need to know about credit scores. Acceptable Mortgage Credit Ranges Believe it or not, there’s no single (or simple) answer here! The credit score range varies depending […]

Getting Short-term Health Insurance Policies

October 25, 2012

No one should ever be without health insurance coverage, not even if it’s just for a few months. A single large medical situation can leave you saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. And what if you lose your job? There is a way to deal with this, short of super expensive […]

How to Rollover Your 401k into an IRA

October 24, 2012

When you leave your employer you usually remember to clean out your desk, grab all your personal photos, and take your box of stuff home with you. Unfortunately one of the most valuable assets you have to your name is often left behind: your 401k. You don’t lose control of your 401k, the account is […]

Investing for High Income Earners

October 18, 2012

Some time ago I wrote about investing on a budget. Now I’m going to write about the opposite end of the spectrum: Investing for High Income Earners. Although I am admittedly more familiar with the first scenario, here are some of the considerations for high income investors. As always, meet with the appropriate expert prior to […]

4 Ways to Maximize Travel Reward Credit Cards

October 16, 2012

I’m a big fan of responsible credit card use. I personally prefer cash back rewards because I can spend cash on anything I want. But I know a lot of people that prefer to rack up travel reward points with their credit cards. I’m okay with that, but you really have to be careful to […]

How Waiting to Invest Could Crush Your Retirement

October 12, 2012

As a general rule of thumb, procrastination is not a good idea. You’re waiting to do something that deep down you know you really should get started on. You delay on the important class paper. You delay on having the tough conversation with a friend. And naturally, you want to delay beginning to save for […]

Avoidable Disasters: Don’t Go Without Insurance

October 11, 2012

There is an insurance product for just about anything you can imagine: health insurance when you get sick, auto insurance for when someone hits your car, and life insurance to help your family if you die unexpectedly. But all those different insurance policies can really add up on the monthly budget. It can be easy […]

My 2 Biggest Money Mistakes and How You Can Avoid Them

October 10, 2012

One of my goals in life is to avoid making significant money mistakes that set me back financially. However, I’ve made my fair share of mistakes that have cost me dearly. Here are some of the biggest financial mistakes I’ve made, and how you can avoid them. Learn from my mistakes so you don’t have […]

The High Cost of Procrastinating on Your Debt

October 2, 2012

Sometimes debt is unavoidable. You weren’t financially prepared, something came up, and you had to spend more than you had. Other times, debt is completely avoidable. You saw something you wanted, you didn’t save up for it, and you purchased it on credit. Any way you cut it, debt isn’t a good thing to have. […]