Mobile Money Guide – Banking, Shopping, & Coupons
October 30, 2009
Mobile banking and shopping are becoming more and more popular thanks to smart phones like the iPhone and Palm Pre. A year ago we ran a series of articles on what the mobile web could do for your money. Today, I’m revisiting the mobile money guide because the options for banking, shopping, and managing your […]
Angies List Promotion
October 29, 2009
Angies List promo codes are good for saving money when you sign up for the service but now Angies List is running a promotion for existing customers. As I covered in my Angies List review earlier this year, I’ve used the service to find contractors for work on our house. Apparently now there are more than one million […]
Variable Annuities Overview
October 28, 2009
Variable annuities are probably something you’ve never even considered investing in if you’re under 50 years young. However, I’ve had people write me whose parents are getting pitched fixed annuitites and variable annuities as they are getting closer to retirement. To give an idea of how variable annuities work, Victor wrote up the following overview. […]
Bond Fund Investing
October 27, 2009
Bond funds probably aren’t the investments that you spend hours investigating and researching when building your portfolio or 401k. Typically individual stocks or equity mutual funds are the primary investing focus and bond funds are an afterthought if they’re included at all. However, bond mutual funds and their fixed income can be just as important […]
Bible Money Matters
October 26, 2009
Last week, we highlighted Jeff Rose over at Good Financial Cents.  This week, we’re highlighting Bible Money Matters written by Pete.  He doesn’t believe that faith and finances should be separate, and so his blog chronicles his thoughts about how his Christian faith affects his finances. I like Pete’s site not only because the posts […]
Outsourcing Your Investing Decisions
October 24, 2009
Would you pay someone to make your investment decisions for you? Sure, most of us have some money invested for us by mutual fund managers but would you outsource your investing choices to someone that simply had a good track record of earning in the stock market? A company called kaChing that runs a virtual stock […]
Our Furnance Repair Bill
October 22, 2009
Heating & cooling your home isn’t cheap, especially when you add in furnance repair bills like the one we had last weekend. We came home last Sunday afternoon and found that although our thermostat was turned to 65 and we could hear the furnace blower kick on, there was no hot air coming out of […]
What Was the Best $100 You’ve Ever Spent?
October 20, 2009
How often do you spend a big chunk of money and look back on your purchase weeks, months, or years down the road and congratulate yourself on money well spent? It seems for me that I usually do the opposite. Things seem to break before they should or don’t do as good a job as […]
Good Financial Cents
October 17, 2009
Each week I’m going to share with you a personal finance site that I enjoy. I started this a while back with Moolanomy, Gather Little by Little, and Being Frugal but got a little sidetracked when our daughter was born. Good Financial Cents This week I recommend checking out Good Financial Cents written by Jeff […]
Fixed Annuities Overview
October 16, 2009
Fixed annuities have caught the attention of some investors who have taken a pounding from the world of stocks over the last few years and started looking for something a little less volatile. This type of investment, though it brings a much lower return on investment, does provide more stability. Are the lower returns and […]