What Was the Best $100 You’ve Ever Spent?

October 20, 2009

How often do you spend a big chunk of money and look back on your purchase weeks, months, or years down the road and congratulate yourself on money well spent?

It seems for me that I usually do the opposite.  Things seem to break before they should or don’t do as good a job as I expected them to.  It’s not often that I reflect on a $100 buying decision and pat myself on the back.  Maybe my expectations are too high, maybe “things just aren’t made the way they used to be”, or maybe some of both.

Best $100 Spent

I’m pleased to say that I do have purchase that was money well spent, one where we definitely got our money’s worth.  About a year ago our neighbors moved and sold us their trampoline for $100.  They even somehow got it over the fence and moved it into our backyard while I was at work one day.  The trampoline was probably only about a year old, so for $100 we got a pretty new trampoline, no assembly or delivery required!

All spring and summer, when I’d get home from work my son and I would head out to the trampoline for some dad and son time.  We shared many stories and laughs while we jumped away the troubles of the day and got some exercise as well.  So over the course of a year we racked up hours of entertainment and exercise all for only $100, best money I’ve spent in a long time.

I’m sad to see the cold weather encroaching on our trampoline time.  This will probably be the last week it’s warm enough for us to get out and jump until next spring.  That’s okay though, it’ll be there in March or April waiting for us to have more fun and keep getting our money’s worth.

What’s the best $100 you’ve ever spent?


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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9 Responses to What Was the Best $100 You’ve Ever Spent?

  • Alex

    Tivo (cant remember how much I paid for it). I bought the lifetime contract before they got rid of it and started just offering the monthly rate contracts.

    If Tivo were a woman, I would marry it; my current wife would just have to understand.

  • Kim

    The best $100 I ever spent was on a small white Brahman heifer calf at a livestock auction about 6 years ago. She went cheap because she had a sore on her belly and no one else wanted to mess with her. I brought her home and fixed her up with some garlic and udder balm on the sore and fed her on a bottle for about 2 months before she was old enough to make it on grass with the rest of the cattle. When she was a year old she was bred and 9 months later out popped a $150 bull calf. We didn’t sell him until he was 2 years old, in nice little packages for about $2000 (freezer beef). Meanwhile his momma (white calf-now worth about $800) had a heifer the next year worth about $150 at birth. And another bull the next year, which sold in those nice little packages for about $2000. We kept heifer calf who has had 2 calves and white momma who had another 2 calves and on and on it goes. You get the picture. I estimate that $100 investment returned over $10000 over the years in my “stock market”.

  • Skeemer118

    The best $100 I ever spent was on my dog Logan about 10 years ago. I remember his little furry self squirming out of that kennel with sheer excitement. Since then, he’s seen me through many a bad day & many more happy ones. We went through a divorce together in 2005 & he had his picture made with us when I got married in 2008. I hope my kids will arrive in time to get to know him. He’s one of a kind & has my heart. 🙂

  • brooklynchick

    Great question. Really had to think about it. Many things that were GREAT purchases were either more then $100 (iPod) or way less (my first yoga class).

    I think the seven volumes of Harry Potter probably cost somewhere around $100. I have read those books so many times and loved them each time.

  • Gary

    I lost $100 for my trampoline which I just bought from lifespantrampolines.com.au 1 month ago. but I found new job next day, and had to move away, so I have to sell it to my neighbor who is really good at bargaining. The worst $100 ever, we just used the trampoline couple times.

  • Dude

    There was this chick one time…..

  • marci

    I spent $100 on a desperately needed load of firewood –
    and met my boyfriend. 🙂 As I tell him often, that was the
    best $100 I ever spent!

  • GL

    my teeth guard – the best money I ever spent. no more migraines every morning, no more frequent visits to my dentist. Grinding teeth is painful, especially, when you just can’t control it while you are sleeping. so it was the best investment!

  • ctreit

    I don’t know what were the best $100 I ever spent, but I know what the best $5 I ever spent were. – I was coming back from a three week expedition in the Andes and stopped at a trucker “restaurant” where I ate the most delicious steak sandwich I have ever had. (It may have not been that good, but I was starving and I haven’t had anything good to eat in a while.)
