The Best Car Deals for Your Money

The best car deals don’t come easily, they take some planning and work, but they can save you thousands of dollars off of new car prices.  A friend recently shared one of the best car deals I’ve ever run across and I asked if he could explain the process so that you could use it to save money when you buy a new car.

There are actually two components to the strategy you can use when buying a new car, auto incentives and dealer bidding.  He only used the dealer bidding approach because car values for the Honda CR-V were high enough the dealers didn’t have to offer incentives. Here is his explanation of how you can get some of the best car deals when shopping for a new car. (Note: The auto market has changed a lot since he bought his car about a year ago so the incentives strategy may no longer be effective.)

Best Car Deals – Auto Incentives

The basic premise is that dealerships often get rebates that are not advertised to the public. The way it normally works is that a dealership will get $1000 per car sold in a given month if they hit a certain sales number…say 100 cars. These incentives are not made known to the public but published in an industry newsletter called Car Buys. Knowing this as the consumer is a major advantage.

The buying process should always occur near the end of the month. As the consumer you don’t the exact number of cars that dealership has sold that month but you can tell them you know about the incentive. They will be much more willing to take a loss on your sale if that gets them closer to 100 car quota which will get them $100,000.

Best Car Deals – Dealer Bidding

In my case Honda was not offering any incentive for the CR-V because they had no problem selling them. However the other half of the process, which is key to getting the best deal, worked really well for me.

The idea is to call prospective dealers (talk only with their sales manager or Internet manager which may take a couple of phone calls) and tell them you will be buying a car in the next few days. Tell them that you do not like to haggle over price so you plan on sending them an email detailing the make, model, trim and color of car you are interested in and that you understand you’ll be dealing with their current inventory.

Explain that they will then email you back their most competitive offer. Make sure to mention that other dealerships are also involved so the most competitive offer should be submitted otherwise they run the risk of not making the sale.

Once all the offers are received (give a deadline) you will call the each dealer, starting from the highest bid, and give them one chance to beat the lowest bid. If they want to participate great. If not, no biggie they just miss out on the chance of making an easy sale.

Dealer Bidding Process

I used a list of dealers within about 150 miles of me. Most had no problem participating and only one wanted me to call him after I had all the bids so he could beat the lowest price…I just told him no thanks.

Once I received all the emails I started making calls. There was a pretty significant difference between the highest and lowest bidder but I wasn’t really pleased with the bids. The best bid was just around invoice. I fully expected the first dealer to just pass on beating the price since there was a big difference in the bids. To my surprise the highest bidder took about two seconds to match the lowest bid.

I eventually talked him into actually beating the bid. I then called the next highest bidder with my new low bid. I even took $500 dollars off that price because the dealerships didn’t want to go too low below the original lowest bid. The next dealership beat that price as well. Each time I took another $500 dollars off the new low bid which really drove down the price.

Getting the Best Deal on a Car

Eventually, I got to the last call, the original lowest bid. Once I told him the new lowest bid he said that it was a “loser deal and the dealership would not make any money on it.” I was more than satisfied with the price so I really didn’t care if he could beat it or not. He said that it was highly unlikely but he would call be back.

When he called back he beat the price by $200…I couldn’t believe how far the price had fallen from the original emails. I asked for an email to confirm the price and wanted to make sure that there would be nothing extra added to the cost when I would go in to purchase. He assured me that would be the final price (tax, destination, etc., all included).

When I arrived they had a salesman waiting for me to start the paper. I asked if we could see the car first (he was surprised by that not really knowing how we came to the price). Checked it out, loved it and spent about a total of 30 minutes in the dealership going over paper work. Easiest way to buy a car while getting the best price.

That’s the end of my buddies description of the process he used when shopping for a new car, hopefully you’ll find it useful the next time you’re in the market for a new car. I asked him some follow up questions after he emailed me the explanation, I’ll share the questions and his answers tomorrow.

Merry Christmas 2009!

When I look back on all the Christmas’s in my life this one will probably be the best!

Christmas time in years past was always a stressful time for me because it was the busiest time of year for my job.  Mixing in the stress of work with trying to coordinate the holidays with our families many times left me, unfortunately, dreading the holiday season.

Finally, a Merry Christmas!

So what’s different about this year? Thankfully we’re finally in sync with my family and my wife’s family schedules so planning Thanksgiving and Christmas visits is much easier.  Plus the company I work for now doesn’t have crunch time in December and January so I actually get to take some vacation days without causing 80 hour work weeks preceding and following the Christmas break.

Kids & Christmas

Probably best of all is that our son has reached the special age when Christmas is a magical time and is excitedly soaking it all in with his big innocent eyes.  His enthusiasm and anticipation are delightful and infectious, making us very happy parents! I hope your holidays are as enjoyable as ours this year and you’re able to spend time with the people you love.

I know you’re probably busy with family and celebrations this weekend but if you have a spare minute or two here are some good personal finance articles:


Investing & Retirement




Financial Education

PocketSmith User Review

PocketSmith user Hugo Vitorino was actually the first person I contacted for a PocketSmith review but due to life events he wasn’t able to offer his feedback on the new online personal finance software and you heard from the New Zealander Sam Law.

Hugo was also a member of the original beta test group and his home country of Portugal gives a taste of how international the user base is. Hugo finally got a chance to send me some answers to my questions, here they are:

1) Tell us more about the beta test group and the role it’s played in adding functionality to PocketSmith.

All ideas that I had and saw that could make PocketSmith a better financial site, I would take it to discussion so everyone could see if the idea was doable and what could be done to improve it and/or make it possible to achieve. I’ve always felt that everyone had an active voice, so being part on the Beta test group was a great feeling, because I had the chance to see some ideas gaining live on a active and live site as PocketSmith

2) What features of PocketSmith do you tell your friends & family about?

The biggest feature on PocketSmith that I tell to my friends & family (and everyone else too) is the ability to forecast the accounts on a daily basis for a full year, allowing me to really see how my savings will be on such a long date. Another feature that’s quite neat is the ability to synchronize PocketSmith with my Google Calendar and Outlook, meaning I can always see what income/outcome just like an appointment, making it really easy.

3) What feature could use some improving or enhancing?
I think PocketSmith should do three things to increase is popularity with the masses.

  • Translation: Everyone would rather having a website on their natural language, and I truly believe that is something the PocketSmith team should go for ASAP if they intend to get to more people and get more subscribers;
  • Up-to-date transactions: Despite not being a big fan of this feature, I do believe it’s a great idea and the general audience likes it. 
  • Products Recommendation: This one is a bit harder but should be a really nice feature to get.

4) Pocketsmith has three different plans: Free, Premium, & Super. Which one do you use? Have you been in the same plan the whole time?
Well, I started with Free because back then there was only that one 🙂 At the moment I have a Super account and I don’t plan on dropping it, since I consider it worth all the cents it costs.

5) Have you tried some of the other tools, like and   How do they compare to PocketSmith?

Yes, I’ve tried other tools like those you mention, but none of them felt as comfortable to me as PocketSmith did just because of the forecast system (which was mind blowing to me).

I do believe each one of them has their qualities and people should use the one that adapts to their needs, but never the less people should try out PocketSmith forecast for some time and then decide. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to use all the features given by some since I’m from Portugal, but like I said, nothing like trying and deciding.

6) Have you used any of the mobile functionality like the mobile app, twitter updates, and text messaging?
Yes, I’ve tried the mobile app but not the twitter updates (I’m probably one of the 10 people that don’t use twitter). All of them are great add-ons since until Up-to-date accounts isn’t implemented, people can update their accounts on the fly and do like me and not update because it gives too much trouble 🙂

7) Any final words for people that are considering giving PocketSmith a try?
Well, like I’ve been saying, there are other tools that have the same financial purpose, but I still haven’t seen anything like the ability to forecast your accounts. Try it for some time and I bet you’ll fall in love with it.

Thanks to Hugo Vitorino for his review of the PocketSmith personal finance software! If you’d like to check out the free version click here.

Starting an Investment Club

Starting an investment club is an option if you rule out joining an investment club based on clubs whose investment strategies or investing goals are incompatible with your own.  Of course starting an investment club is no small task, there are a whole checklist of things necessary to start one up.

Here are some of the things you’ll have to figure out or do if you can’t find a club you like and want to start your own.

Meeting times. All members should agree on (1) the days and time that you’re going to meet (most investment clubs meet once each month), (2) the place that you’re going to meet, (3) the length of the meetings (most meetings last about two to three hours), (4) the organizational format that each meeting is going to take.

Number of members. Agree on the size of the investment club. Studies show that a good size for an investment club is approximately 12 to 15 members. When you limit the size of the club to this many members you’re still small enough to hold meetings in member’s homes.

Investing education program. There is a lot of good information available for members of the National Association of Investors Corp, NAIC, on investing education.  The education program is typically headed up by some combination of the vice and education officer.

Meeting place. You might want to come up with alternative meeting places, such as local library or café, to use as an alternative meeting choice.

Investment club software. If your investment club is going to use software to keep track of stocks, profits, expenses, and other administrative information the secretary can purchase this software and have it installed. Remember to keep in mind that if more than one member of your club is going to use the software program on their computer that you’ll have to purchase multiple copies of the software or buy multiple licenses for more than one user.

Investment club name. You’ll want to come up with a name for your investment club. You don’t need to make this decision on your first meeting but members should come to the second meeting ready with several ideas to share for a club name.

Registering your investment club. Once you have a name you can register your club’s business entity with the state. When the paperwork returns, the Secretary of your investment club should make sure that the paperwork is filed and that members of the club have access to the information.

Investment club accounting. The newly elected treasurer should head up selecting and setting up the accounting system.  You’ll want to have this set up at least by your second meeting.  One of the most popular club accounting systems is probably Bivio, some clubs prefer Club Accounting Online.

Tax ID Number. This is the time to file the information that is required to obtain a Tax ID Number. The Treasurer will now be able to open up a banking checking account for your club as well open a brokerage account. If your investment club hasn’t decided on what brokerage to use this task will have to be delayed until a later date.

Research Items:

  • partnership agreement forms
  • preparing a mission statement
  • banking information
  • legal forms, such as tax information
  • broker information
  • member management software

This post on starting an investment club is part of an investment club series that also covers joining an investment club , investment club mentors , and other investment club tips .

Investment Club Mentors

One of the investment club benefits we covered last time was learning from other people in your club.  Some investment clubs will assign newcomers a mentor to help them get comfortable with general investing concepts and how the club works.

The leadership of the investment club are typically the ones who are most involved and active in making it a successful experience for everyone.  Often times one of these people will take on a mentor role to new members.  Here are some of the standard officer roles of an investment club, people you can turn to with questions if you’re just getting started.

Investing Club President

The president is the one who decides when the next meeting is going to take place (usually done with a mutual vote but made official by the president), presides over the meetings, and plans activities (usually done with a mutual decision by other members).

Investing Club Vice President

The vice president is the member that stands in when the president is absent or needs help with presidential duties. The vice president is often the one who plans some of the educational information that is provided to the club at meetings.

Investing Club Treasurer

The treasurer, also known as the financial partner, is the one who deals with the brokerage firm and does the buying and the selling of stock. The treasurer also is responsible for keeping accurate records of the financial holdings of the club, the financial contributions of each of the members, and any other records that concern themselves with money and financial matters.

Investing Club Secretary

The secretary, also known as the recording partner, is responsible for keeping the minutes of each meeting. The secretary also lets other members know of any upcoming meetings. If a member misses a meeting the secretary is the one who passes the minutes of the last meeting to the absent member so that everyone is kept up to date of all meeting decisions.

Investing Club Education Officer

Many clubs have what is known as an education officer. This member of the club is responsible for organizing educational activities such as guest speakers, reading materials, field trips, and presentations that have to do with investing.

This post on investing mentors is part of an investment club series that also covers joining an investment club, investment club benefits, and other investment club tips.

Investment Club Benefits

Investment clubs, like anything in the world of investing, require due diligence before deciding whether they’re right for you.  We’ve taken a look at some investment club tips for your personal situation and covered things to consider when joining an investment club.

Although there are things to watch out for with investment clubs, there are certainly benefits to belonging to one, especially for people just getting started investing.  Here are some of the benefits of investment clubs:

Boost Investing Confidence

You may feel safer and more secure learning about the concepts and jargon of the investing world with a small group of people.  If you’re with people you know you probably won’t feel embarrassed asking questions and your confidence will grow as you learn more.

Get Started Investing

If you’ve always wanted to invest in the stock market but have put it off because you’ve been worried about losing money due to inexperience, an investment club might help. The people you discuss stocks with and ask questions of can be your mental safety net and sounding board, making it easier to first getting started.

Low Investment Required

If you only have a small amount of money to invest each month, maybe $25 to $50 dollars, then an investment club could get you into the mode of researching, buying, and selling stocks. Of course you could invest that money on your own through a service like ShareBuilder.  However, one of the benefits of belonging to an investing club is that the “buying power” of all the members allows you to participate in and learn from multiple different stock transactions even with a small investment on your part.

Learning from Others

Listening to how other members describe a stock and what ratios they look at when evaluating it can teach you a lot about basic fundamental analysis.  Make sure you always   ask “why” when people are explaining the reasoning behind an investing decision.  Remember the people in your investment club are likely amateurs just like you so don’t take everything they say about investing as the final word on the stock market.

Chrsistmas Deals this Weekend

Everyone is looking for Christmas deals this weekend to finish up their Christmas shopping before the holiday.  We just finished ours this afternoon, and we survived! Here are a few deals that caught my eye recently.

Blockbuster Free Trial

Blockbuster free trial of their online movie service can be a good stocking stuffer if you have any movie buffs in your family.  The free trial allows you to try out the service and see how you like it before committing to a monthly membership.

Omaha Steaks Deals

If you’re not a meat eater this won’t be for you but if you are there are some good deals to be had.  In addition to their Omaha steaks free shippping offer they are also running thier 19.99 sale.

They have a whole range of foods like filet mignon, top sirloins, pork chops, bbq pork, burgers, and chicken fillets on sale for $19.99.  With regular prices on the food packages ranging from $35 – $60 the sale offers considerable savings –  $19.99 Sale

Angies List Deals

Angies List is offering 50% off their gift memberships during the holidays. Typically you need an Angies List promotion code to waive the activation fee but for the gift memberships they’re waiving the fee. 

Gamefly Deals

Gamefly is like Blockbuster Online but for video games, not movies.  Once you’re a member you can select a certain number of games and they’ll ship them to you.  After you finish those games you send them back in and they ship you the next ones on your list.  Gamefly is running a special this weekend, if you sign up for one month you get a second month free – One Free Month

Free Flip Camera Giveaway – 60 Free Flip Cams

There are 60 free Flip cameras up for grabs over the next few days if you’re willing to share your best money tip.  The question being asked is:

“What is the savviest way you have made your money work harder for you this holiday season?”

If you leave your answer to that question in the comments on one of the sites below, you could win one of the Flip cams:

The site owners will be picking the best tips and deciding who gets the Flip cam, so make your savvy money tip a good one! I didn’t see any rules about submitting the same tip on multiple sites so you could write it once and share it on all sites, not a bad prize for a minutes worth of typing!

Note: American Express is actually giving away the Flip Cams through the sites listed above. I’m not connected with the contests and don’t have any Flip cams to give away. Although I do have one of my own and it’s pretty slick, I used it for my recycle video on Blog Action Day.

Good luck!

Joining an Investment Club

Yesterday we looked at some investment club tips that were personal considerations to think about before joining an investment club.  Today my former co-worker looks at the importance of evaluating the investment club itself and a few things to look for.

Defined Investment Goals

Each member of the group needs to have the same goal in mind and the same methods of achieving that goal. If some members of the group are only interested in making a profit, instead of learning more about investing and the details involved, there will be a divided set of goals. All members of the club should have the same philosophy about investing.

Long Term Goals

Members of the club should be clear on what the long term goals of the club are all about. There should be an understanding established of what amount of the profits that are realized from investments are going to be held and which amount is going to be reinvested immediately back into the stock market. There should be an equal amount of growth and stability that is agreed upon.

Investment Club Meetings

It’s important that members of the group are able to attend all meetings. When there are decisions that need to be made about ongoing investments and future investments it’s important that all members are part of the decision process. If the group decision is held up because some members don’t attend regularly the endeavors of the investment group are jeopardized.

Investing Accountability Checkpoints

It will be very important that the investment club have checkpoints in place that account for all investments, profits, losses, and other money issues. These checkpoints should be readily available for all members of the club to read at point in time.  For example decisions on buying and selling stock. Before any stock is purchased or sold it will be required that all members of the investment club are part of the study of these stocks and part of the final decision.

Investment Club Tips

Investment clubs startup all over the US each year and help thousands of potential investors learn the basics of the stock market. I’ve never joined an investment club but I have a family member and a former co-worker who are investment club members so I asked them to offer a few tips on starting or joining a club.

Before you decide to invest your money with other people, here are a few things you should consider.

Have Realistic Expectations

If you’re joining an investment club to make a killing in the stock market, you’ll most likely be very disappointed. The goal of an investment club is to learn more about the stock market and if you have dreams of becoming rich you’ll be starting the club for the wrong reasons. Joining an investment club means joining for a long period of time.

You’re Not a Professional Trader

Starting an investment club doesn’t mean that you have to be an expert on the stock market. In fact, an investment club is ideal for a group of amateurs who want to learn about how the stock market works and what it can do for them. An investment club should be a safe environment in which you can invest a little bit of money and not worry about losing a large amount of your hard earned dollars when something unexpected happens.

Minimum Investments

You shouldn’t need a lot of money to start or join an investment club. There will be a minimal fee for each month’s contribution, just make sure that it fits into your budget. If it’s a new investment club, you’ll have the chance to determine what the minimum monthly contribution should be each month when you have your first meeting.

Willingness to Debate & Compromise 

One thing that you should keep in mind is that your voice will be part of the larger group and you may not always have a say in which stocks you want to invest in. If you’re unable to sit back and let another decision take the place of something that you would rather see, then an investment club might not be for you. You’ll need to have the ability to let the majority rule whenever a decision is made.

You Might Lose Money

Be aware that you may never realize a profit from the stock market through your club. One of the important goals and features of an investment club is that you benefit from the learning experience of being with other people with the same interests in the stock market. No one likes to lose money but if you do make sure you learn from the loss.  Analyze what went wrong with the stock picking process and figure out what you’ll do differently next time.

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