Should Healthy People Pay Less for Health Insurance?
September 19, 2007
Why did you sign up for health insurance? Was it to help share the risk and cost of potential health issues across a large group of people? What if some of the people in your group are voluntarily behaving in ways that raise their risk and the cost to you and everyone else? Should you […]
Should You Improve Your Life or Watch Television?
September 18, 2007
If you’re happy with the way things are going in your life, you can stop reading and change the channel to some other site. If on the other hand, there are things about your life that you’d like to change then stay tuned and turn up the volume : ) TV ScheduleI was listening to […]
Are You Being Held in Rebate Ransom – Sales Tactic #4
September 17, 2007
We have your money! We’ll give it back if you follow these specific steps. Make one mistake and we’ll keep the cash! Sound like a ransom note to you? Think again, it’s actually the crumpled rebate receipt in your wallet! When you buy something with a mail-in rebate the seller is holding the money you […]
Personal Finance Review – No New Shoes Edition
September 16, 2007
I hate shopping and I hate spending money. Of course this means when something I own breaks or falls apart I’m not very happy because I have to go out and buy another one! I own one pair of dress shoes that are unfortunately on the decline. The soles have been coming off of the work […]
Crappiest Job Ever – Pet Waste Removal Service
September 15, 2007
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this hang tag advertisement on our door handle today. There are actually companies that you can hire to clean up your pet’s waste! A Google search on pet waste removal services led me to an article from about a year ago where they called it “one of the […]
Come On! Buy it Now, You Can Pay Later – Sales Tactic #3
September 14, 2007
Think back to a shopping trip where you almost made a purchase but wisely walked away because you couldn’t afford it. Bad news, the marketing gurus have found a way to stop that from happening! When your better judgment screams NO, they use the “Buy Now, Pay Later” sales tactic to ease you into a big […]
You’ll Be Sorry If You Don’t….. – Sales Tactic #2
September 13, 2007
What emotion could make you sign a blank check with no questions asked? How about FEAR? It makes us do crazy things. Sellers use this tactic to scare us into spending money. If you don’t spend money for this now, You’ll Be Sorry, later! Sound familiar? If so, you may have fallen victim to the […]
Beware of Sales Tactic #1 – Don’t Miss Out!
September 12, 2007
Have you ever bought something in haste simply because you were afraid it would be too late if you didn’t pull the trigger immediately? If so, then you’ve been bitten by the first tactic in the Sales Tactic Revealed series, “Don’t Miss Out”. Sellers use this strategy to spring you into action by creating the illusion you’re […]
Sales Tactics Revealed – Win the War Over Your Paycheck
September 10, 2007
You can’t follow a budget! You don’t have self control! You can’t manage your money! You, you, you…… Money Foolish?Is it really all about you? Is it all your fault? As we go through life, we don’t always do what we’re “supposed” to do with our money. When things don’t go right financially, we tend […]
Baby Expense Budgeting – Family Style
September 10, 2007
Who spends the money on kids your family, mom or dad? If you’re like us, it’s the mom who buys the baby what they need. If the mom’s spending the money, why does the dad often make the budget? Baby Expense PlanningI have a friend who’s expecting a new baby next spring. He has his […]