Personal Finance Review – No New Shoes Edition

September 16, 2007


I hate shopping and I hate spending money.  Of course this means when something I own breaks or falls apart I’m not very happy because I have to go out and buy another one!  I own one pair of dress shoes that are unfortunately on the decline. 

The soles have been coming off of the work shoes for a while now, when I took them in last summer to be fixed, the shoe shop said they couldn’t be repaired.  I’ve stretched them another year but things aren’t looking good.  The crack in the sole keeps getting bigger and one of these days I’ll lose the whole heel. Needless to say I’m not looking forward to that day. 

I should probably start looking around for bargains so I don’t have to make an emergency purchase down the road but I really hate shopping so I think I’ll put it off for a while longer : )  No new shoes for now. Here are some personal finance articles you shouldn’t put off reading this week.  

A Visual Guide to the Morningstar Mutual Fund Comparison Tool @ Generation X Finance

Making Sense of the Recent Market Volatility @ Generation X Finance

Who Is Responsible For Lead In Toys? @ Money, Matter, & More

Saving Tips For New Parents: Get Ready For Baby! @ The Digerati Life

Some Ways That We Are Thinking Small @ Lazy Man & Money

Analyze Mutual Fund Costs with FINRA’s Mutual Fund Expense Analyzer @ Suns Financial Diary

Congratulations to No Credit Needed and Get Rich Slowly for their recent addition to the Money Blog Network! Both wonderful personal finance sites, No Credit Needed talks this week about How To Create A Budget If You Have Irregular Income and Get Rich Slowly is upgrading to handle the constant flood of visitors that come to read his insightful content. 

Having A Goal Helps You Be Frugal @ Blueprint for Financial Prosperity

How You Can Earn Over Cash Back with Credit Cards @ Free Money Finance

Making money with an eBay Store, Part 4: Obtaining product at the right price @ Mighty Bargain Hunter

“Borrowing” Money from an IRA @ Five Cent Nickel

Make Money From Your Own Videos With Revver @ My Money Blog

10 Reasons Credit Cards Are Good @ Cash Money Life

Predicting the Future: Will People In Their Twenties Today Collect Social Security In Retirement? And How Should That Answer Change Our Plans? @ The Simple Dollar


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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One Response to Personal Finance Review – No New Shoes Edition

  • Patrick

    Thanks for the mention! 🙂

    It sounds like you had a good pair of shoes since you’ve had them awhile. I would try to find the same brand and style if you can. That way you know what you are getting and that they will last a few years.

    I’ve had a pair of black dress shoes I’ve owned since 2002, and they still look great. Just add keep them clean and polish when needed – they should last a long time. Good luck finding a new pair. 😉
