Preventing College Student Identity Theft
August 25, 2009
Identity theft probably isn’t the primary concern of most college students heading off to school this fall, however, college campuses can be big targets of identity theft. With so many people living together in such close quarters it can be a hot spot for thieves and dishonest students to take advantage of other unsuspecting students. […]
College Student Jobs You Can Work From Your Dorm Room
August 20, 2009
College students around the country will soon be traveling back to their respective colleges and universities, and many of them will have fatter wallets from summer jobs and internships. However, that money won’t last long when the price of textbooks, school supplies, and tailgate parties starts to take its toll. One of the toughest things […]
7 Ways to Save Money on Back to School Shopping
August 18, 2009
Back to school specials are here! It’s that time of year, and parents are dreading how much money they will spend over the next couple of weeks. The average family will spend about $600 this year on back-to-school supplies and clothes for their kids. That’s a big chunk of change, especially for a families struggling […]
Home Inspection Tips When Buying A House
July 15, 2009
Buying a house is never easy and you’ll likely come across some snags during the process. One of the most common problems that can delay closing on a real estate deal is a home inspection full of problems. Home Inspections I recommend that everyone get a home inspection. I thinks its always worth paying for […]
Buying A House: Down Payments and Private Mortgage Insurance
July 11, 2009
Buying a house can be confusing if you don’t have someone you trust explaining the process to you. Fortunately for my wife and I, my my mother-in-law is a real estate agent and my dad is a real estate broker, so we haven’t had to play the guessing game with our first two property purchases. […]
Start A Side Business in the Lazy Days of Summer
June 25, 2009
The summer can be a great time to start a side business because life tends to be a little more laid back. People are going on vacation and taking time off to hang out with their kids so your day job may be a little more relaxed. Plus there’s nothing on TV to distract you at night : […]
Keep Your Kids Busy Without Breaking the Bank This Summer
June 16, 2009
Summer is a fun time for kids, but it can be challenging for parents to keep them occupied and entertained while they’re home all day. There are many different programs and camps you can sign your kids up for but that can get expensive quickly. If you don’t want your kid just hanging around with […]
Seven Ways to Save Money on Your Summer Family Trip
June 9, 2009
When I was a kid, my family always had a particular spot that we vacationed for at least two weeks out of the year. We went to see my grandmother and grandfather for the first week, and then we went to their cottage on Lake Michigan just north of Muskegon, Michigan. My family was pretty […]
Affordable Apartments for College Graduates
June 3, 2009
Once you graduate from college, finding an affordable apartment that suits your financial needs and budget is essential to properly starting off your working life. Finding the right apartment can be a daunting task, so here are some tips to help you pick the right apartment to fit your budget. Calculate Your Rent Budget Generally, one-fourth […]
Emergency Funds for College Graduates
May 23, 2009
Emergency funds are for old married people, not recent college graduates, right? Just scraping by financially is an art form perfected by many college students. Creative ways to earn extra money in college and spend as little as possible helped you make it through school. Now that you’re leaving college and looking for a job it’s time to start […]