How to Compare Cash Back Credit Cards
March 30, 2011
Choosing a cash back credit card can be a little more involved than simply going with the lowest interest rate. Of course if you carry a balance on your credit card, don’t bother with cash back cards. You should instead try to lower your interest rates and pay off your debt, as I covered yesterday in […]
How to Lower Your Credit Card Interest Rates
March 28, 2011
Lowering the interest rate on your credit card is one of the top concerns for people who are stumbling under the weight of credit card debt. So it’s no surprise that David Bach’s chapter seven in his new book “Debt Free for Life”, has the title of “How to Lower the Interest Rate on Your Credit […]
Debugging Your Finances Roundup
March 27, 2011
One of the best tools of our modern technological world is something you probably didn’t even know existed. You and I depend heavily on properly functioning technology in our daily lives – cars, phones, computers, airplanes, banking systems, traffic lights, etc – the list is quite long. You probably don’t give much thought to how […]
Do You Need Insurance Roundup
March 22, 2011
How much of your income do you spend on insurance? If you think about all the different things you could potentially buy insurance for, it’s amazing we have any money left in our paycheck to buy groceries or pay the rent. Types of Insurance I made a quick list of some things that you can […]
Can You Make Money Off of March Madness?
March 20, 2011
My first March madness tournament pool entry was seven years ago. I’d never participated in pools at work but thought it might help me get to know some new people in the group better so I put in my $5 and got my entry form. Running the Numbers Since I’d put $5 of my money […]
Clariity Family Gift Cards & Financial Plans
March 17, 2011
Clariity is a new financial planning company with a gifting option that reminds me of my grandfather giving me Wal-Mart stock as a present when I was a kid. Clariity doesn’t give you stock but it does let you contribute money to help your friends or family towards their financial goals. A concept kind of […]
How to Setup a Retirement Portfolio Model in Clariity
March 17, 2011
Think planning for retirement is complicated? Well that’s because planning for something that lasts as long as retirement can (and is decades away for many of us) gives you a lot of unknown factors to take into account. In 30 years form now, what will interest rates be? How will the tax code change? What kind of […]
Free Turbo Tax Software!
March 15, 2011
Free TurboTax Premier Giveaway Thanks to the team at Intuit, I’m giving away free access to TurboTax Premier to six of you! We covered using the software to file your income tax return earlier this year in the TurboTax review so I figured it would make sense to give some of you a chance to try the tax […]
Choosing the Best Rewards Credit Cards
March 14, 2011
Rewards credit cards were the subject of several reader emails recently after I discussed choosing the best credit cards for one of my newsletter readers. Most of the questions were about cash back cards and gas cards – In general cash back cards seem to be the most popular overall but gas cards definitely grow in […]
Wanting What You’ve Got
March 13, 2011
You know you’re getting older when you start listening to radio stations featuring music from 15 years ago. Last weekend, I really enjoyed an internet radio station that played only songs from the years I was in high school, brought back memories but also made me feel old. After that ended the station started playing […]