TradeKing Taxes and Trading Report
March 31, 2009
TradeKing has released the latest edition of their “Intelligence Report” series, this one is called “Taxes and Trading”. It caught my eye since just yesterday I just published our Investor’s Tax Guide. TradeKing Taxes & Trading Of course I was curious and downloaded the TradeKing report to see how it compared to the information in our […]
Investor’s Tax Guide 2009
March 30, 2009
Tax season has probably never meant more to taxpayers than it does this year. As we prepare our 2008 tax returns the government is spending billions of dollars of our tax money in an effort to unfreeze credit markets and stimulate the economy. Stock Market Losses At the same time, many of us saw the […]
What Taxes Do You Owe on Your Investments?
March 27, 2009
Tax day is quickly approaching and so is the IRA contribution deadline, April 15th. If you haven’t funded your IRA or Roth IRA for last year, time is growing short. Vanguard is always a good option with lots of funds to choose from and Etrade is offering 100 free trades if you open a new […]
All CEO’s are Crooks
March 26, 2009
The failed bankers on Wall Street have been whining that if they have to cut bonuses and salaries dramatically, they’ll be unable to recruit great talent, and they need great talent to fix the situation. And for years, boards have been claiming that they need to pay CEOs $50,000,000 salaries in order to recruit […]
Emergency Funds for Losing Your Job
March 25, 2009
Your emergency fund is your best friend if you lose your job in this bad economy. We’ve had an emergency fund in an online savings account ever since we joined the work force and last week was the first time I thought I might have to use it. Losing my Job? One afternoon last week a co-worker mentioned […]
March Madness Money Lessons
March 24, 2009
What can you learn about money from March Madness? You can take a lesson from most experiences in life if you sit back and observe long enough; the NCAA basketball tournament is no exception. I shared a few things I learned in my series on personal finance lessons for sports fans: Ignore the Analyst’s Hype Just […]
Alternative Minimum Tax and Federal Income Tax Withholding Changes
March 20, 2009
How are we supposed to keep up with all the tax code changes? That’s a question a reader emailed in after reading about the First Time Home Buyer Credit and other tax deduction changes we covered the last two days. It’s certainly not an easy task, which is why a whole army of tax prep […]
Personal Finance Software Winners – Mac vs PC
March 16, 2009
Surprise, surprise! Mac users are more passionate about their computers than PC owners. Not only did the Mac users leave more comments than PC users but the responses were longer and full of more detail. Thanks to everyone for participating. iBank Mac Software Winner Congratulations to Brian from The Mutex who was the random number […]
International Money Advice from Plonkee Money
March 15, 2009
The financial crisis is affecting not just you and I but people all around the world. This week we’ll look at an international view on personal finances from Plonkee Money. Unlike the other financial sites we’ve featured in the past she doesn’t write from the US, she lives across the ocean in England. International Finances […]
Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards on Spring Break
March 12, 2009
The best travel rewards credit cards for a spring break trip depends on a variety of factors such as how you’re travelling, where you’ll be staying, and how much you plan to spend on your credit card. I had a reader email me after the recent post on spring break money savers and ask which […]