TradeKing Taxes and Trading Report
March 31, 2009
TradeKing has released the latest edition of their “Intelligence Report” series, this one is called “Taxes and Trading”. It caught my eye since just yesterday I just published our Investor’s Tax Guide.
TradeKing Taxes & Trading
Of course I was curious and downloaded the TradeKing report to see how it compared to the information in our investing tax guide. They cover some of the same terminology such as cost basis and capital gains and how you can carry over capital losses over from one year to the next.
One of the things that the TradeKing report talks about that we missed was wash sales. It goes into detail about what a wash sale is and gives specific wash sale examples. The report has a section on retirement accounts but doesn’t go into as much detail as we do about options for deferring taxes on investments.
Next time we revise our report, I’ll make sure it includes more details on wash sales. I’ve gotten several questions via email on wash sales, for now I’ll just refer people to the TradeKing report.
Downloading the Reports
As I expected, our investing tax guide and TradeKing’s report have some overlap, but each also offers details not found in the other. You have to submit your email address to download the Taxes and Trading report from TradeKing, which wasn’t a big deal for me since I’m already a customer.
You can get our Investor’s Tax Guide when you signup for the free newsletter, I guess the good news is that both reports are free!

All posts by Ben Edwards