What Legacy Are You Leaving – My Grandfather’s Memorial
January 21, 2008
Do you ever wonder how people will remember you when you’re gone? That question was heavy on my mind this weekend as my family said goodbye to a person that we all loved and looked up to, my grandfather. A Lasting LegacyAs we listened to the life stories of my dad’s father and heard about all […]
What Tax Preparation Software Makes the Job Less Taxing?
January 19, 2008
The answers to the question may be different for you, but this is solely based on my experience with tax preparation software. First, if you go into any store that sells computer software, you will see tax preparation boxes littering the shelves at this time of year. Everyone wants to make a stressful process a […]
Reduce Your eBay Taxes with a Home Office Deduction
January 18, 2008
Do you know how much you’ll owe this year on your eBay income tax? Did you know you might be able to reduce those taxes by claiming a home office deduction? If you’re running a profitable business on eBay hopefully you’ve been making estimated tax payments throughout the year to avoid any kind of fees […]
How to Earn Extra Money in 2008
January 16, 2008
I just got done watching a news program that said consumer spending is up only because people have been charging like crazy. I believe it! I can personally attest to the fact that if you charge it today, watch out for tomorrow. Someday, the bill is going to come. Unfortunately, the paycheck can only stretch […]
How to Make Sure You Get What’s Coming to You at Tax Time
January 15, 2008
Whenever tax time rolls around, I still see my mother sitting at the kitchen table with all sorts of forms, receipts, and scraps of paper in piles encircling her. She was the mathematician in the family. If my dad had done the taxes, he probably would have tried to deduct something that wasn’t allowed. So, […]
How to Choose a Charity
January 14, 2008
Choosing a charity should be easy. You find a cause you support, and you send you in your check. However it is a little more complicated than simply picking a group for your donation. Unfortunately, like everything else in this world, unscrupulous people are out there taking advantage of kind hearted individuals. For example, anybody […]
Health Insurance Companies Suck – Personal Finance Review
January 13, 2008
What would happen if you had a bill more than a year overdue? Can you say late fees, collection agency? Why is it that insurance companies can jack you around for more than a year and suffer no consequences at all? I’ve written before about a health insurance problem we’ve been fighting, caught between a […]
Prosper: the Leader in Social Lending
January 12, 2008
If you are like me, social lending is a new concept. What is it anyway; and how might it turn the financial world of borrowing and lending on its proverbial ear? To find the answers, go to Prosper, the leader in social, or peer-to-peer lending, at least for now. Lending with Prosper works much the […]
A Kiva Loan can Change a Life
January 10, 2008
“Loans that change lives” is Kiva’s tagline. Based upon the testimonials I have read, I believe they are keeping their word. So, how can they make such a claim? Kiva is a peer to peer lender with a charitable mission. Unlike their counterparts who pay interest to the lenders, Kiva matches small business owners around […]
Why Borrow from a Bank when you can Prosper?
January 9, 2008
As the economy worsens and interest rates rise, it has become increasingly difficult to obtain a bank loan to consolidate debt, pay for college, buy a house, or start a new business. More and more people are searching for alternative solutions to their financial needs. So, my question is: What can you do if your […]