Financial Advisor Profile – Jean Keener
August 31, 2009
Jean Keener is another financial planner I had the pleasure of meeting in person after the financial advisor websites list I put together a while back. As we chatted about financial planning and blogging I was reminded of the search my wife and I went on to find a financial planner right after we were married. Finding […]
Save Money Buying Overstock or Returned Items
August 29, 2009
Overstock or returned goods can save you a ton of money! I’ve written in the past how I used to buy merchandise like this, then turn around and re-sell it on eBay for a big fat profit. However, even if you have no interest in making extra money on eBay, overstock goods and returned items […]
Free Health Screenings & Healthy Lifestyle Tips
August 28, 2009
As the health care debate rages across the country, one of the things that’s often overlooked is how much money we could save with better preventative medicine. It’s often much cheaper to invest time and money up front to help prevent, delay, or minimize expensive medical conditions, yet our insurance system is setup with the […]
How Much Money are You Hiding in Your Swiss Bank Account?
August 27, 2009
The Bank Secrecy Act requires United States citizens holding a financial interest in, or signature or other authority over, a bank, securities or other financial account in a foreign country to report these accounts to the government. Of course just because there’s a law requiring you to report the money doesn’t mean that people have abided […]
Quicken Discounts Thanks to Microsoft Money
August 26, 2009
Quicken discounts of $20 off Quicken Deluxe and Quicken Premier are available for the next two weeks. Intuit is running the special offer since the personal finance software Microsoft Money is no longer available for sale. Microsoft Money Discountinued Although Microsoft Money will be supported through the end of 2010 many long time Money users are […]
Preventing College Student Identity Theft
August 25, 2009
Identity theft probably isn’t the primary concern of most college students heading off to school this fall, however, college campuses can be big targets of identity theft. With so many people living together in such close quarters it can be a hot spot for thieves and dishonest students to take advantage of other unsuspecting students. […]
Budget Travel Book Winners
August 23, 2009
The budget travel tips are in and the random number generator has selected some winners! David is giving away two copies of his book in the contest and since we had so many useful entries I’m going to ship copies to two more readers. Here are the winners as chosen by along with their budget […]
Best Financial Advice You Wish You’d Taken
August 21, 2009
What’s the best financial advice that you’ve heard, but then ignored? Can you think of a piece of advice that you wish you had followed? Of course, you may have more than one but what’s the discarded advice that really sticks out in your mind, or that would have had the biggest financial impact? Here […]
Financial Planner Profile – Neil Vannoy
August 21, 2009
After putting together the financial planner websites with blogs list a few weeks ago I got a chance to meet a few of them in person at an event. One of the planners I got to visit with was Neil Vannoy of Vannoy Advisory Group. Getting Acquainted Neil’s a Certified Financial Planner in Texas and apparently […]
College Student Jobs You Can Work From Your Dorm Room
August 20, 2009
College students around the country will soon be traveling back to their respective colleges and universities, and many of them will have fatter wallets from summer jobs and internships. However, that money won’t last long when the price of textbooks, school supplies, and tailgate parties starts to take its toll. One of the toughest things […]