Who Else Is Interested in Making Extra Income?
June 30, 2007
While I was away the Woolys from Clawing Our Way awarded this site a “Thinking Blogger Award” for suggesting new ideas to make extra income. I’m glad I was the inspiration behind their recent eBay adventure! Guide to Selling on eBayI’ve been working on an eBook about selling on eBay for a while now and […]
Lower Your Vacation Costs By Planning Ahead
June 30, 2007
Our vacation is over and as usual we returned with less money in our wallets than we left with. Most of the money we spent was well worth it but there were a few things we spent way too much on that could have been avoided. Expensive AccessoriesThe first night there I discovered I had […]
How Victoria’s Secret Gets You to Buy Underwear You Don’t Need
June 29, 2007
KMC is a thirty-something family man with a wife, three year old daughter and one on the way. After graduating college with $5,000 in credit card debt and $9,000 in student loans, his new wife finally got him to shape up and get fiscally responsible. He went a little overboard and developed a serious interest […]
Swinging Away at Personal Finance
June 28, 2007
Thanks to the author of No Credit Needed for providing today’s post. He run’s several different websites and has a great story about how he got out of debt. You can read about his story and sites here, and keep up on his writings with his feed. I enjoy playing golf, but I find that […]
How to Spot and Avoid Pyramid Schemes
June 27, 2007
Today’s contribution comes from across the Atlantic. Thanks to the British writer over at Plonkee Money for enlightening us on pyramid schemes, keep up on his other articles with his feed. The Great Pyramids of AlbaniaI always seem to want to travel to places that are someway off the beaten track, like Timbuktu, Uzbekhistan or Outer Mongolia. […]
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Getting Started With Quickbooks
June 26, 2007
Today’s article is courtesy of a reader who is a QuickBooks Pro Advisor that wrote in to offer me some advice based on my post on getting help for QuickBooks. They agreed to answer some questions but preferred to remain anonymous. Welcome to the wonderful world of QuickBooks! Why Use QuickBooks? What benefits do business […]
Entrepreneur Interview – Sharing Tips on Daytipper.com
June 25, 2007
Do you have a favorite tip you like to share with friends and family? Well now you can share it with the world on DayTipper.com. Nathan Preheim, a founding member of DayTipper, shares some entrepreneurial tips with us today that he learned from starting the company that built DayTipper. Entrepreneurial Teams and CollaborationDayTipper is a […]
Where Can You Find a Guaranteed 10% Return?
June 24, 2007
Making his money work so he doesn’t have to, that’s the goal for today’s guest writer, Lazy Man. If you’re interested in learning about using Prosper or alternative income streams, subscribe to his feed. ————— J.D. from Get Rich Slowly had a reader ask where I can I find a guaranteed return of 10%. The […]
A Great Reason to Lease, Not Buy, a Car
June 23, 2007
KMC is a thirty-something family man with a wife, three year old daughter and one on the way. After graduating college with $5,000 in credit card debt and $9,000 in student loans, his new wife finally got him to shape up and get fiscally responsible. He went a little overboard and developed a serious interest […]
Personal Finance Review – Vacation Edition
June 22, 2007
The bags are packed and we’re ready to go! When I’m out on a much needed vacation in the coming days, you’ll have articles from guest writers and an interview to keep you entertained. Have a good weekend everyone, here are some money articles for the week. – Generation X Finance reminds us Your 401k is […]