Student Credit Card Reader Question
December 3, 2009
A reader, Iris, wrote in with a question about the best student credit card for her son:
“Hi- Your website is very helpful. My son is in med school-no income, big loan. I’m helping him shop for a credit card to build a credit rating(he uses debit card usually). What’s best for him-Capital one no hassle cash rewards. Chase Rewards, american express(concerned it won’t be taken everywhere-but debit will i think) –do they all let you look at your account on line and pay automatically by bank account? thanks much, iris”
Personally I really like our American Express Blue Cash card but you’re right AmEx cards aren’t accepted by all merchants since they charge them higher fees. We’ve accumulated a few backup cards, Bank of America, Chase, and Citi cards, but none of them are student cards. American Express does have a Blue for Students card that’s decent if you have good enough credit to qualify.
I wrote about the best credit cards for college students a little over a year ago but it’s been a while since I’ve researched them since then. Maybe the other readers can offer up their suggestions on the best student credit cards. In terms of your question about access, pretty much any card you get these days lets you see your account and bills online and pay electronically with funds from you bank account.
One last point on building credit, if your son has horrible or zero credit, he can use secured loans or secured credit cards to improve his credit score. Hope that helps!

All posts by Ben Edwards
Thanks Mr TML, you bring up some good points. Credit cards aren’t the only way to build up your credit history.
For example, my wife and got a secured loan in her name to help her build up credit. We put $1,000 in a 12 month certificate of deposit , used the CD as collateral for a 12 month loan, and built up her credit with that.
The two best student credit cards are: (1) NONE or (2) a gas card.. The guy has no income and a big loan. Why in the world would you want him to have a credit card. Craziness.