3 New Great Mobile Financial Apps
November 1, 2012
For the longest time if you wanted to track your financial progress on your smartphone you either had to use clumsy internet interfaces or a basic text or spreadsheet editor. Then a few applications came out such as Mint.com that were tailored toward a better user experience on a smartphone. Yet your options for a high quality application that you felt you could trust with all of your personal financial information were still very limited.
But as Google’s Android operating system has greatly increased its market share, the demand for better apps on both Android and iPhone has grown. Thankfully, savvy companies and developers have hopped into the market to provide a growing selection of quality applications. Let’s look at three new companies entering the fray.
1. Adaptu
Adaptu has released an iPhone-only application that ties into the website. A year ago I could not have told you who Adaptu was. But the company burst onto the scene and made a splash by sponsoring Adam Baker’s RV trip around the United States. And they were a big sponsor of the inaugural Financial Blogger Conference. (Did the company exist before this? Probably. But this is when I first really started to take note.)
The site and mobile app act as a mobile wallet. They help predict what your cash flow will be every month so you can avoid paying overdraft fees. It has all of the features you would expect from Mint: you can track just about everything from checking accounts to your mortgage balance.
At this time Adaptu is only available for iPhone users via the App Store.
2. HelloWallet
Instead of competing directly with apps (and companies) focused directly on consumer interaction, HelloWallet has taken a genius approach. The firm sells subscriptions to companies instead of directly to consumers. They’ve found something most entrepreneurs know: businesses usually have a lot more money than individuals.
The idea in selling to company is the company buys the subscription and provides the app and online access to the employees as a benefit. Even if not many users initially use it, HelloWallet has captured the revenue and made the company looks like it cares about its employees.
The app has all of the standard features of tracking your money, but also provides location-aware budgeting assistance. If you’re standing in front of the electronics store in the mall, the app will tell you how much money you have left in your budget to spend at that company.
At this time HelloWallet is only available for iPhone users via the App Store. Plus your company needs to have a subscription to the service.
3. ReadyForZero
The initial concept for ReadyForZero was to help users pay off credit card debt. As users saw success with the model they began asking to track other types of debt: student loans, car loans, and mortgages. While the focus isn’t necessarily on tracking every cent of your budget, the idea behind driving down your overall debt is an obviously positive one. ReadyForZero has raised nearly $5 million in funding to continue growth and expansion; I’m excited to see where they might take things.
You can now download ReadyForZero from the iOS App Store!
Do you have any favorite apps for your iPhone or Android device? Leave a comment!

All posts by Kevin
I prefer a simple envelope-type budget that I monitor, personally! (Call me old fashioned, but it works for me.)