Money Musings Overheard While Christmas Shopping
December 25, 2013
What do people in the malls think of Christmas consumerism? Here are some things I’ve heard people say:
Checkout Man at Best Buy:
Man, they brainwash everybody at Christmas. They flood you with ads and make you think you need this stuff.
Guy 1 and Guy 2 in Line at Kohl’s:
Guy 1 – Can you believe we live in a country where there is so much stuff to choose from?
Guy 2 – I know, there are some stores that have a whole aisle for just water!
Older Checkout Lady at Bath & Body Works:
When I was a kid, we bought things when we needed them, not when we wanted them.
Woman in Line at Toys”R”Us:
Kids used to get toys for presents for their birthday and Christmas. Now they get them all year long and are always wanting bigger and more expensive things!
Women on Cell Phone in JCPenney:
I just spent $80 bucks on her outfit! I know, I know it was way more than we’d planned but it was just sooo cute!
Two Ladies in Mall in Front of Clearance Table:
60% off! I just bought that for $50 two weeks ago!
Man looking into Wife’s Cart in Old Navy:
Do you really need all that stuff?
Flustered Woman Walking Out of the Shopping Mall:
I love to shop but this isn’t shopping! This is madness! I didn’t buy a single thing; I just can’t wait in lines that long. No one in my family would want me to waste my whole day in line just to buy presents.
Checkout Lady at Gap talking to Customer:
My husband just called, saying my Gap account bill had arrived. I almost had it paid off before Christmas but now the balance is way back up. Oh well, I guess that’s what you get when you work in a clothing store!
There is definitely a common thread of buying too much and spending too much money. Since when was that what Christmas is about?
Of course, I’m as guilty as the next guy; I’ve spent all day shopping before. I want to buy presents for those I care about so unfortunately I contribute to the shopping madness. In my defense, I get the best deal I can and am polite to everyone in the mall. That’s more than I can say for some people I ran into in the past!
What do you think about Christmas consumerism? What does Christmas mean to you? Leave a comment!
This article was originally published on December 16th, 2006.

All posts by Ben Edwards
I was laid off from my job in October of this year. I was fortunate enough to work from May of 2009 to October 2009. Currently I am not qualified to collect Unemployment Benefits. I have not been able to come up with anything since. Not one penny since I cashed my last paycheck in October. What kind of Christmas do you think I’ll have if I would be fretting over the fact there is no money or credit to shop with. I’m fortunate enough to have a caring, Loving Woman in my life who offered me shelter, food and emotional support through all of this. Everyone around me has their Unemployment checks, except for me, I am somewhat bewildered over this. So what do you do if no one is hiring, not even part time before Christmas.
Mark, Count my Blessings!