Maximize Your Time, Money, & Opportunities. Stop Buying Stuff!

March 13, 2007

I’m never buying anything ever again! We just spent our weekend doing some spring cleaning and turned a jumbled messy room into an organized basement. This is what I learned from the experience.

Stuff Wastes Time
We spend time shopping for, buying, storing, organizing, and eventually getting rid of stuff. The more stuff we buy, the more time we spend. I have better things to do with my time than worry about stuff!

Stuff Wastes Money
I hauled multiple truck loads of stuff to Big Brothers & Big Sisters last weekend. We probably spent hundreds of dollars to buy all the stuff we gave away and what do we have to show for it? Nothing, not even the stuff! It was cluttering our basement so away it went.

Stuff Wastes Opportunities
If we can turn a little money into more money in the stock market, why would we want to turn that same money into zero dollars by buying stuff? It might seem like neat stuff now but in the end it will turn into worthless stuff to be given away. The opportunity cost of buying stuff is not worth it to me.

Stuff Wastes Momentum
Nothing slows you down like lots of stuff. When you can’t find something, it’s usually because it’s lost in a pile of too much stuff. Stuff creates clutter. Clutter creates stress. Stress drags you down and keeps you from being productive. In addition, lots and lots of stuff can create an overwhelming mess. Once the mess gets too big, you don’t know where to start and stuff takes control of your entire house or apartment. Stuff is deadweight!

No More Stuff!
Everywhere you turn people are trying to sell you stuff. They even give you free stuff to get you to buy more stuff. What’s so great about stuff? Nothing! It wastes time, money, opportunity, and momentum. Next time I feel tempted to buy stuff, I’ll remember this last weekend and the perils of buying stuff. I have decided, for me, it’s no more stuff!


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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9 Responses to Maximize Your Time, Money, & Opportunities. Stop Buying Stuff!

  • StopBuyingStuffMagazine

    I think not buying stuff can be a celebration rather than a deprivation! If you think this is a good idea, come join our online community. Stop Buying Stuff Magazine is dedicated to celebrating those aspects of our lives that are untouched by corporate greed. Read us, send us along, and contribute to us:

    Can’t wait to hear from you!

  • Bernard

    Robert Kiyosaki called them Doodads.
    They are a waste of your money and you just leave them aside to collect dust.
    I called them “Dust Collector”!

  • mbhunter

    Great post. There have been a number of times that I just get so fed up with all of the clutter I have to stop what I’m doing and clean. It’s visual noise that saps your energy.


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