How to Save Money and Save Your Spouse from Embarrassment

February 12, 2007

Do you buy in bulk to save money? We’re not members of Costco or Sam’s Club where it’s assumed you’ll buy in bulk but that doesn’t stop me from loading up when an item is on sale.

Deal of the Month
Last weekend I found a deal I couldn’t resist at the grocery store, 75 cents off my favorite type of cereal. Since I go through cereal like nobody’s business I knew I could save a good deal of money. Unfortunately, my wife talked me into only buying 15 boxes of cereal. She doesn’t like the strange looks from other shoppers and the inevitable comments from the checkout person and baggers.

Savings Regret
As we made our way out to the car I calculated how much I’d saved $11.25. If I bought every box they had I could more than double those savings. As we reached the car I left my wife to load up the groceries and dashed back into the store. I pulled up to the cereal aisle with an empty cart and cleaned them out. I purposefully went back through the same line just to let the checkout lady know how much money I’d saved.

Everybody Saves
I proudly announced our total savings as my wife shook her head while I loaded the stacks of cereal boxes into the trunk. In the past I had avoided buying enormous amounts of products on sale so I wouldn’t fill up the cart and embarrass her. Now I have a new strategy. We cover all the usual grocery items during the first trip into the store while I scout out any great deals. If I run across a gold mine I simply make a second trip while she’s unloading. She’s saved from embarrassment and I save us more money!


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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11 Responses to How to Save Money and Save Your Spouse from Embarrassment

  • moneysmartz

    I found another deal today and stocked up again. It wasn’t as good as the last time so I didn’t buy as many boxes. I loooove saving money 🙂

  • Sherry

    I was so glad to read this, I do the same thing. In fact I haven’t posted about it yet but I will. Last week I also found a deal on cereal and stock piled 16 1# boxes, wish I had done more. It really only amounts to be a one month supply for us.

    The expiration date is a year from now and will be gone in a month.

  • moneysmartz

    I’m a cereal monster 🙂 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so I fill up.

  • mapgirl

    Followed here from Tricia’s blog. How can you eat that much cereal before it all goes stale?

  • Golbguru

    Dude…I hope you eat it all 🙂 15 boxes !!

  • Tight Fisted Miser

    That sounds like a good system to me. You have got to maximize those good deals.

  • Melinda

    Too bad we’re not married to each other…we would have cleaned out the place together!LOL Luckily, DH and I both tightwads to the core. Nothing embarasses either one of us!

  • WH

    Sounds like an ideal solution to me! And thanks for stopping by…welcome! =)

  • moneysmartz

    Ha Ha.

  • Daniel Sweet

    Is this why my wife doesn’t come shopping with me?

    I knew there was a reason!



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