Would You Take a Career Sabbatical?
September 15, 2014
In the last few years, there has been a lot of attention given to the idea of lifestyle design. As part of this attention, more people are taking career sabbaticals or embarking on “mini retirements.” The idea is that you don’t have to work for thirty or forty years, only to try and retire for […]
What To Do With Your Investments After a Layoff
August 25, 2014
If you’ve been laid off, but you were working with your previous employer for number of years, you probably accumulated a good chunk of money in your employer-sponsored retirement plan. And hopefully, you’ve also got some promising investments outside of your retirement plan. When you lose your job, and the search for ways to pay the bills is […]
4 Questions to Ask Yourself When Choosing a Career Path
August 11, 2014
Your career is likely to take up a large amount of time. A “traditional” job often accounts for eight hours of your day, which means that you spend up to 1/3 of your life with your career. When you think about how much time you spend with your career, it makes sense to consider a […]
How to Sell Yourself Without Sounding Like a Braggart
August 4, 2014
One of the biggest problems I have in my freelance career is selling myself. First of all, I have a problem with impostor syndrome. But the other issue is that I’m unsure of how to talk myself up without sounding like an arrogant braggart. No one likes a braggart, but, at the same time, when […]
How to Figure Out the Right Career for You
July 21, 2014
Many of us don’t want a career that is “just” a job. Instead, many of us like the idea of fitting a career into a lifestyle. If you are tired of taking whatever job comes your way, here is what you can do to change things up and figure out which career is best for […]
Negotiating Pay: Don’t Forget the Soft Benefits!
July 14, 2014
One of the most stressful aspects of the job search is the salary negotiation. However, it is often a necessary part of the job search. Trying to come to an equitable agreement with a company is important. On the one hand, you don’t want a company to decide you’re too expensive and decide not to […]
Elevator Pitch: Make Better Career Connections
July 7, 2014
One of the essentials when it comes to finding a new job or advancing your career is the connections you make. Networking is an important part of career advancement, no matter what stage you are at. In fact, even when you are self-employed, it’s important to learn how to effectively network and connect with others. […]
6 Must-Read Tips for Assimilating into Your New Job
June 16, 2014
After you finish your job search and are ready to start at your new position, it’s important to assimilate to the situation. Sometimes, integrating into the company culture can be difficult. It’s important to jump into your job and become a part of your new position so that you fit in, and can quickly become […]
Why Self-Employment May Be the Best Option After a Layoff
June 2, 2014
The average unemployed person in America has looked for work for 39.7 weeks, or more than nine months. That is the longest average unemployment spell since the Labor Department started keeping track way back in 1948. So, how long have you been without work? Does it seem as if there are no jobs available at […]
Want to Start a Career? Consider Moving to One of These Cities!
May 26, 2014
It’s a tough job market out there. Trying to start your career can be a difficult proposition these days. However, there are some places where it’s a little easier than others to start a career. If you are struggling in your current job market, it might be time to move to a different job market. […]