Best Money Posts of the Year
December 31, 2008
As part of the “best of” series I asked personal finance bloggers to submit their best post and share why they felt it was their best one. Here’s the list of articles; each one tells the site it’s from, the article name, the author, and why they think it’s worth your time to read it, Enjoy! Mighty […]
Year End Finances & Technology
December 30, 2008
I spent last night and this morning digging out receipts, filling out forms and spreadsheets, paying bills, paying home owner association fees, and paying property taxes online. Of course if I didn’t save it until the last minute then year end finances wouldn’t be such a drag but I did so I lost a whole […]
Best Hybrid Cars
December 29, 2008
The best hybrid cars were a hot topic when gas prices were above $4 a gallon and everyone wished they had a Toyota Prius. The price of a hybrid car vs. the gas savings it offered seemed like a much easier choice with ever climbing gas prices. Gas Prices vs Car Prices Although the cost […]
Charitable Donations to Mercy Corps
December 28, 2008
Mercy Corps has always been one of my favorite charities and is where we’ll be sending our year end charity donation. I like contributing to Mercy Corps because I feel I’m a global citizen and they work in about 40 countries around the world where people are in dire need of assistance. Their mission is […]
Best Careers for a Recession
December 27, 2008
The moment that I realized this economic downturn was real was the day that I quit my job to move to Orlando. I thought to myself, “I won’t have a problem finding another job”. Three months later, I’m very aware that the economic downturn is real. I have applied for numerous jobs without receiving any […]
Best Online Savings Accounts
December 26, 2008
The best online savings accounts offer high interest rates, no fees, a low minimum balance, easy online transfers, simple ways to deposit and withdraw your money, and of course – good customer service. Online savings accounts from banks like ING Direct, FNBO Direct, HSBC Advance, WT Direct, Emigrant Direct, and E*Trade Bank have become very popular due to […]
The Best Colleges for Your Money
December 24, 2008
The best college for your money obviously depends on what you’re looking for in a school; but whether your college search is for you or your kid, the best college for your money often boils down to a basic cost/benefit analysis. College Cost / Benefit Analysis Free Money Finance has a great cost/benefit analysis for […]
Best Travel Websites
December 23, 2008
The best travel websites help you find cheap airline tickets or hotel reservations with the least amount of hassle. Here are some of the things we look for in a travel website, whether using it to book a vacation or business travel: Lowest price on hotel rooms and airline tickets Easy to search and compare prices and […]
Best Cities to Live In
December 22, 2008
The best place to live is obviously a personal decision based on a wide variety of factors but there are certainly common elements that most of us look for when choosing where we want to live. Money magazine and Kiplinger magazine did some research in these areas and came up with a list of the […]
Giving You What You Want?
December 22, 2008
I know your time is valuable and that you have many different sites to choose from when it comes to personal finance topics so I really appreciate all of you that read Money Smart Life on a regular basis. Writing Useful Articles We do our best to write about relevant topics and deliver on the […]