Will Barack Obama Fix Our Economy?

November 7, 2008

Now that the election is FINALLY over President Elect Barack has to prepare for his role of Commander in Chief and, among other things, decide what he will do to address the major financial issues that we face here in the United States.

How to Fix the Economy?

I don’t envy Obama at all, walking into a huge financial mess that I think will take years to fully sort out and recover from.  Of course the financial experts all  have their own opinion about what needs to be done to repair our economy: new tax policies, a stronger dollar policy, investments in the alternative energy industry, more market regulations, ……. the list goes on.

I’m sure Obama wil surround himself with experts on financial issues and will hopefully synthesize their advice into an economic plan that will strengthen our economy.  One thing I hope he doesn’t do is hire financial expert, Oscar Rogers.

Just Fix It Already!

You may have seen Oscar featured on Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live, if not you can see him in action here, at about 4:20 in the video (it’s a spoof for those that haven’t seen it and don’t have time to watch).  He probably feels the same way a lot of us do about the economy:

“Just Fix It!  When I wake up tomorrow morning, it’d better be fixed!”

The things going on with the economy are largely out of our immediate control and we just want someone to step in and make it right.  Unfortunately it’s not that easy, it took the country years to get ourselves into this mess and will probably take just as long or longer to get it cleaned up.

So to answer the question, “Will Obama Fix Our Economy”, I think that he’ll implement policies he belives will help the country but they will take a while to make an impact and in the mean time it will be a bumpy ride.

Money Articles

Anyhow, time to get out of the 10,000 foot view of economic policies and down to the ground level of actual money advice.  Here are some of the stories I enjoyed about money this week:

From The Money Writers:

Just in time for open enrollment, Generation X has a good article on medical deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance.

Lazy Man shares his plan to retire early in several installments, the latest is their Obstacles to Retiring Early.

Madison from My Dollar Plan already did leave her job and answers a lot of questions people had about her situation.  Unfortunately she recieved a lot of nasty personal attacks when she shared her situation recently so I’m sure she’d appreciate you stopping by and leaving a kind word or two.

Brip Blap left his job as well, but not voluntarily.  He was laid off but is actually kind of excited about it.

The market is on most everyone’s minds these days, Sun takes a look at the value of having alternative investments in your portfolio during these volatile times.  Flexo is buying on the dips, I’ve been putting money into the market every day as well, taking advantage of the free trades in my new Zecco trading account.

Frugal Dad takes a look at home ownership and it’s realities during this economic slump.

Million Dollar Journey talks about how Oprah is trying to teach kids about money and do something about the sense of entitlement that some youth feel today.

Money Blog Network

No Credit Needed has a good reminder for us, don’t wait until January 1st to make your financial resolutions.

Mighty Bargain Hunter is getting back to the basics when it comes to money matters.

Five Cent Nickel takes a look at one approach to running out of money in retirement.

Free Money Finance offers some ways to save money when eating out.

Get Rich Slowly shares his thoughts on the book Bull Moves in a Bear Market.


Jim voted for Barack Obama and is hopeful that he will improve the US standing in the world and address our dependence on fossil fuels.

The Simple Dollar takes a look at some of the financial excuses that people tend to give.

Moolanomy offers 7 ways you can turbo charge your career, one thing you can have an impact on in this crazy economy.

Thanks to Master Your Card and Sun’s Financial Diary for hosting the last two installments of the Carnival of Personal Finance!



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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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