Why You Should Become a Personal Finance Blogger

May 4, 2007

Writing about personal finance will definitely help you learn about money. Lazy Man lists ten ways personal finance blogging has helped him with money. Here are thirteen lucky reasons, in no particular order, that you should become a personal finance blogger:

  1. You can answer your friends questions at work about their 401k investments.
  2. You can win financial “discussions” with your spouse.
  3. You know what the news guy means when he says the DOW and NASDAQ are up.
  4. You can hold your own when people discuss stocks at cocktail hour.
  5. You will have the best rewards credit card there is.
  6. You won’t fall for the car salesman’s tactics next time you buy a car.
  7. An emergency fund will actually be something you starting contributing to instead of just reading about.
  8. You still won’t read all the fine print on financial forms but you’ll have an idea what they say.
  9. You’ll learn enough about saving and investing that you can explain the concepts to your friends, family, and random people you meet on the bus.
  10. If you practice what you preach you’ll have a better financial plan and more financial security than before you wrote about money.
  11. You’ll make extra money by selling advertising on your website.
  12. You will meet cool people all across the country who also like to talk/write about money.
  13. A Google search for “personal finance blogs” only returns 124K hits. The world needs more personal finance writers, there just aren’t enough!

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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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11 Responses to Why You Should Become a Personal Finance Blogger

  • MultifolDream$

    The best way to learn is to teach. You dig into the subjects and analyze them deeply in order to share your knowledge.
    Good 13 points

  • Dan

    I didn’t have my url for post #5 regarding alternative investment vehicles that meet or exceed market returns.




  • Joseph Sangl

    Blogging every single day about personal finances has helped me understand my money at a new level.

    It has also held me accountable to an entirely new level!

  • Dan

    I agree, I started my everydayfinance blog a few months ago and it’s been quite rewarding. It’s driven me to research alternative investment strategies and other investment vehicles to differentiate me from the rest of the pack and my personal portfolio has benefitted as a result. It’s been rewarding and is bringing in a few bucks on the side; enough to perhaps start treating it as a business for this tax year.

  • InaDaze

    I think possibly the best part of all the reasons is the exposure to other like-minded individuals and their blogs/personal finance advice


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