What Exactly is Moolanomy?

January 21, 2009

That’s a good question, one that I asked the first time I visited the site Moolanomy.com. The simple answer is “The Science of Money”. For a little more detail, we’ll take a look at man behind scenes over at Moolanomy.com.

I first started reading Moolanomy, authored by Pinyo, about a year ago and have enjoyed getting to know him through his blog. Pinyo is certainly a high achiever, cranking out quality blog posts on the topic of money, building a social media site PF Buzz, all while staying very active in the personal finance community online. Where does he find the time : ) He has quite an about page, here is a brief summary of his personal details.

Moolanomy’s bio

Pinyo is 34, he’s married, and he has a baby boy named Gavin. He and his family live in Queens, New York, and he works as an IT manager during the day. Moolanomy is his side project to make some extra income so his wife can stay at home with their baby. Him and his wife share everything, and they believe marriage and money should be two people working together for one common financial goal. If he’s not working or blogging, he enjoys going to the movies, biking, reading, traveling, and playing chess and video games.

Check out these featured articles by Moolanomy:

Visit Moolanomy for more money tips, or subscribe to his feed for daily updates.

Here are some other articles I enjoyed this week:

The Digerati Life has job interview techniques for those searching for a new job in 2009

Gen X Finance explains how to roll over your 401(k) when you leave or lose your job

Lazy Man and Money reviews the book “Outliers” by Malcom Gladwell

Brip Blap analyzes the question, “Is a company too big to fail?”

My Dollar Plan explains her experience with making her first estimated tax payment

Million Dollar Journey reveals 9 ways he reduced his taxes in 2008

Frugal Dad has a different take on handling large student loan debts in the debt snowball method.

The Sun Financial Diary convinces us to invest in high yield dividend stocks.

Consumerism Commentary has tips for keeping your job amidst a layoff.

No Credit Needed reveals his hybrid debt reduction method called the “the debt deluge method”.

Free Money Finance reminds us to use our gift cards as quickly as possible!

Mighty Bargain Hunter got me pumped up about the resale opportunities regarding the upcoming liquidation of all Circuit City stores

Five Cent Nickel brings to our attention that your flexible spending account can be in jeopardy from a layoff..

Blueprint explains how to buy a car without getting screwed. Everyone should read this!

The Simple Dollar shows you how much your investment is really earning.

Get Rich Slowly takes a look at when it’s okay to spend your savings.

Thanks to the hosts of the recent carnivals that this site has been featured in:


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Erik Folgate is a husband and father living in Orlando who's been writing about money online for 6 years. Digging himself out of $20k of debt after college and his former experience in the insurance industry give him some useful insights into personal finance issues.

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4 Responses to What Exactly is Moolanomy?

  • Personal Finance Ology

    I actually got the idea for my site from his. Mine is personal finance ology or the study of personal finance. I like his blog, thx for posting his bio.

  • The Digerati Life

    Nice background on Pinyo! I wish I could stay home to take care of the “babies”. While I do some of that, my household is more of an equal opportunity household. Equal opportunities to do everything from chores, kid care, and earning a living.

  • Pinyo

    Hi Ben, thank you for the shout out. Not too many people know what Moolanomy is. Might be easier if you break it down to Moola-no-my 🙂

    Just a quick update. I am 35 now and my wife did return to work, so the extra income from the blog is a really nice additional income for our family.

    Again, thank you for the shout out.


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