What Can the Mobile Web Do For Your Money?
October 7, 2008
The mobile web is all around us, yet I have been largely disconnected from using it for text messaging, mobile browsing, or checking email on a mobile device.
The World is Going Mobile
Every time I travel I try and use my interactions with the people I meet along the way to way to learn something new about human behavior or society in general. One of the things I was reminded of on my recent business trip was how diverse the population of the US is, especially in the big cities.
I saw so many different cultures and nationalities on the city streets, in the train station, and at the airport; yet many of them had at least one thing in common….
They were hooked into the mobile web! I don’t know all the languages they were texting or browsing in but it made me realize the mobile web will become a big part of many of our lives in the not so distant future. We can look to other countries that are far ahead of the US in mobile adoption to see what types of applications and services will be available to us.
Mobile Money
In the next week or two we’ll take a look at the ways you can use your phone or other device for mobile banking, managing and tracking your money on the go, mobile shopping, and redeeming mobile coupons. Until then, let us know in the comment section below how you use your mobile device when you’re on the go.

All posts by Ben Edwards