Weekend Investing Roundup

July 4, 2011

We’ve written a lot about investing over the last few weeks.  So far we’ve tried to address questions that you might have about investing your money.  Some of the most popular ones have been about getting started as an investor, with topics like:

Since we all work hard for our money we’re obviously concerned about the safety of the money we invest.  We don’t want to see it go up in smoke the second we put it into the market.  Although there’s no guarantee that you won’t lose all your money in the market, there are steps you can take to help reduce the risk of a big loss.  Since losing money and risk is such a big concern for many investors we talked about a few:

Another concern many of you have is about your retirement funds and having enough money to pay your bills and medical costs later in life.  There’s obviously a lot more to retirement than just putting money into an IRA so we’ve only scratched the surface with a few retirement related topics like IRA’s and 401k accounts.

One of the next topics that we’re going to cover has to do with the costs of investing.  Anytime you put money into the market, you’re paying some form of fee, sometimes more than you realize.   We’ll look at things like this AARP survey that help take a look at what it costs to invest your money.  You’ll find there can be a balance between level of service and the amount of fees you pay.  I’ve heard from several readers who picked an investment company or brokerage that promised a higher level of service but charged higher fees.  Not all of them have been happy with their decision so we’ll talk about considerations and options when moving your investments around between different brokers and also different retirement vehicles.

Of course, the opposite has been true as well.  Some people go with the low cost broker based only on trading fees alone but then later wish they’d chosen someone with better customer service or more investing options.  One thing I’ve noticed over the years is that the more money you have invested, the more people are willing to answer your questions and the more options you’re offered as part of your account. So the right place for your money can vary from person to person and your investing situation – we’ll look at how to evaluate your options.  We’ll talk about mutual fund companies, online brokerages, and some newer investing options like a tool called Betterment.  We’ll also touch on investing advice services and a tools like MarketRiders that help you design and manage a portfolio of ETFs.

So, I hope you’ve gotten something out of the recent investing series and now you know what to look forward to in the coming weeks.  Here are s few investing articles from around the web and some personal finance ones to check out as well.


Personal Finance

Thanks to these sites for including our articles in the Carnival of Personal Finance:


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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