We Will Recover
January 27, 2009
With news of Bloody Monday, people are asking when the economic slump end will end, even as some economists are saying it will get much worse before it gets better.
While no one knows how extensive the damage will be, one thing is for sure, we will recover. Will things be the same? Certainly not. But we’ll go about our lives and make it through the downturn.
If it’s any comfort we’re not the first generation of Americans to be worried and troubled. The videos below remind us of times in our country’s past when things seemed bleak and uncertain. Just as the titles of the songs apply to our world today, remember that those generations made it through.
Bad Moon Rising
“I see a bad moon risin, I see trouble on the way”, “Looks like we’re in for nasty weather”
Times They Are a Changing
“You best start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone, the times they are a changing”.
Our hearts go out to all those losing jobs or otherwise effected by the economy 🙁

All posts by Ben Edwards
I know we will get through, but I am scared of losing my job and my house. This is serious.
We’re all feeling this recession. Whether you’ve lost your job or you’re like me and feel guilty about having one still. I think we all know someone whose lost their job by now.
I’m with you though. We’ll get through this.