TradeKing New Account Overview

November 24, 2009

The Tradeking promotion that runs through the end of the month reminded me of a conversation I had with a co-worker last Spring about online brokerage accounts. She’s from a different generation and doesn’t feel comfortable opening a stock trading account on the Internet.

Her son suggested she open her own account but she had the whole process built up in her mind to be too complex for her to ever understand. I told her I’d put together an overview of the account opening process to show her that’s it’s really not that complicated.

I went through in the Spring and took screen captures of opening a TradeKing account but then we had a baby so I’ve been a little distracted since then. Anyhow, here is a visual walkthrough of opening an account and the 10 main questions you have to answer to complete to an application for their online brokerage account.

  1. What’s Your Basic Info?
  2. TradeKing

  3. What Will Be Your Secure Code?
  4. TradeKing

  5. Which Type of Account?
  6. TradekingOpenAccount

  7. Who Are You?
  8. TradekingAccountSignup

  9. Where Do You Work?
  10. TradeKingApplication

  11. How Much Money Do You Have & What is Your Trading Experience?
  12. TradekingSetupAccount

  13. Do You Have a TradeKing Promotional Code & What Are Your Affiliations?
  14. TradeKingPromotionCode

  15. What Are Your Investment Goals?
  16. TradekingInvestmentObjective

  17. Do You Agree To Follow the Rules?
  18. TradekingCustomerAgreement

  19. Give Your Electronic Signature
  20. TradeKingSignature

  21. TradeKing Application Complete!
  22. TradekingWelcome

Of course, opening an account’s not so bad; it’s actually the easy part. Setting your investing strategy & buying and selling stocks is where the uncertainty comes in. To open a TradeKing account, click here.


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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