Ten Reasons Why You Should Become an Entrepreneur Today
February 27, 2007
Do you have a business idea you’ve always thought would be successful but never got around to working on it? It’s easy to come up with reasons why you haven’t done it. Well I’m going to give you ten reasons why you should get started on your big idea today.
Continuous Improvement
The only way to improve your product, service, or performance is to continuously improve on what you know and how you do things. You’ll grow as a person, both street smarts and book smarts, because you’ll always be learning something new.
Building Relationships
On your quest for improvement, you’ll come across other people that’ve been there before or are going through the same thing you are. As you ask advice, share tips, and partner together, your network of friends and relations will grow.
Learning to Value Money
For some reason, I value the $20 I make from an online sale more than the $100 I might earn in daily salary from my employer. Maybe it’s because my paycheck comes only twice a month as direct deposit and I don’t really ever see the money. Maybe it’s because my employer pays me every two weeks regardless of my performance, whereas when I make money on my own, if I don’t perform, I don’t make squat. For whatever reason earning money directly for yourself vs. getting a paycheck from an employer makes you appreciate the value of a dollar even more.
Creating Something of Value
As an entrepreneur you’re taking a personal stake in building a product or service that you can call your own and will become part of your legacy.
Earning Extra Money
Whether you need it or not right now, you probably will someday. I’d argue that the money you earn itself isn’t the most important thing but rather the ability to be able to make money on your own. Knowing you can go out and earn your keep gives you a feeling of security and freedom that doesn’t always come when working for someone else.
Filling a Need
Your product or service is providing something that people need. If you’ve found your niche, maybe you’re the only one that is meeting these needs. Knowing that what you create or provide is touching other’s lives feels good at the end of hard day’s work.
Time Management
As you’ll read in the interviews of entrepreneurs this week, there is a lot that goes into running your own business. You’ll have to learn how to manage your time effectively to be successful in your business. This is a skill that will help you in all areas of your life.
Building a Voice
As you interact with others and create a network of peers, you’ll establish credibility over time. This authority and these relationships will give you a voice to help make yourself heard when you have something worth saying. For example, before I started selling and writing on the web, my sphere of influence was limited to my immediate friends and family. Now when I have something important to say I can reach hundreds and thousands of people.
Inspiring Others
As you have success, people will begin to ask you questions and come to you for advice. Being able to help someone else get started or offer suggestions for improvement is a great feeling. Knowing that you have the knowledge or expertise to help or even inspire others can provide great satisfaction.
Being Creative
Being able to differentiate yourself from your competition is important in the world of business. Often times, you need creativity to help make yourself stand out. Even if you’re not the most creative person in the world, the need to be different to succeed will help get those creative juices flowing.
What are some other reasons you can think of why being an entrepreneur is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience? Tomorrow, I’ll take a different look at running your own business and give ten reasons why it sucks to be an entrepreneur.
Follow along as I profile a variety of different entrepreneurs this week.

All posts by Ben Edwards
wow this is soooooooo fun
One of the reason I like to be an entrepreneur and have my own business and career is the feeling of fulfillment. Being a entrepreneur, I can create something, contribute to society and even create job opportunities. I’m feeling great from these.
Providing the ten reasons will surely encourage would be businessmen to take the path. With some of it’s advantages useful enough even at home, I think it’s a good motivation for those who want to engage in business.