Personal Finance Week in Review – Yardwork Edition
April 8, 2007
Now that Spring is here the yardwork calls. I mowed our grass for the first time this season on Friday and then teamed up with a few neighbors yesterday to rent a power rake and do some spring cleaning on our yards. It seems silly to spend so much time and money on just maintaining grass, maybe I should just dig it up and haul in a bunch of crushed stone. Anyhow, here are some good money articles for the week.
- Binary Dollar answers ten questions about home equity loans
- Golbguru tells us how we can get rich quickly with milk bottles and a ball
- Sun explores one way to invest in real estate without every buying a house, invest in a REIT
- The Simple Dollar warns us of ways department stores trick us into spending money
- Lazy Man points out how David Bach ignores inflation and taxes, bad move for Bach’s readers.
- Silicon Valley Blogger gives future entrepreneurs some insight on how to manage the financial stress of a new business
- Get Rich Slowy covers the concept of leverage and how it can both earn and lose you money
- Fiscal Musings talks about leverage and other reasons he likes to invest in real estate
- Gen X Finance continues a series on 24 signs that you could be in financial trouble, this week its developing bad credit habits
- Blueprint for Financial Prosperity brings up the topic of outrageous executive compensation
Of course there are many more great articles to choose from in the blogosphere, you can always check out the most popular articles at pfblogs for some good reading. Happy Easter!
All posts by Ben Edwards
Thanks for the link Ben!