Personal Finance Week in Review – Organization Edition
April 16, 2007
I spent most of this weekend organizing the “store” in our garage and realized there is a cost to being disorganized. I ran across some seasonal items I had purchased to resell on eBay but missed the boat because I forgot they were there!
The good news is I’ve made a lot of progress so I shouldn’t run into that problem again. The bad news is I’m still not finished so the garage is a mess and both our cars are still parked outside in the cold. I’ll get it knocked out this week; it sure will be nice to have an organized space to work in. Due to my organizing I haven’t been as up on the personal finance articles as normal but here are the ones that I did notice.
Sun asks do you have a will. If you don’t, find out how you can get free estate planning!
Clever Dude tells us to take advantage of hindsight as he reviews his money mistakes.
Matt @ Binary Dollar reminds us that watching Warren Buffett can give some investing ideas.
Flexo at Consumerism Commentary asks the provoking question whether high schools should require money management classes.
Golbguru assures us there really are smart people that know nothing about personal finance. Sad but true, hopefully his conversations with them will spark their interest in money matters.
JD has a good discussion of how much we should give.
SVB points out that real estate prices are out of control in some parts of the country.
Congratulations to Trent @ The Simple Dollar who is expecting a child in September. He talks about the financial & lifestyle choices that a new child bring.
Lazy asks whether your home is an asset or liability.
Another great post in the series on financial troubles over at Gen X Finance tells us we may be in financial trouble if we’re only making the minimum payment on our credit card.
Wisegeek asks what if we could decide where our tax dollars were spent with personal tax earmarking.
All posts by Ben Edwards
Hey, thanks for the link!