Personal Finance Review – Best Investment I Ever Made Edition

October 21, 2007


Maybe I’m being a little over the top but in terms of value gained in relation to money spent, the purchase of my Zen Nano Plus mp3 player is the best investment I ever made!  What’s so great about it?  Never ending learning and self-improvement, anytime and anywhere.

Whether it’s driving to work, waiting in line, or doing housework all weekend I’m constantly learning through the audio I download from across the web.  I can stuff tons of financial tips, business building resources, personal development audio, and expert interviews into the 1 GB of storage space. The problem I have is making time to apply everything that I learn!

I bought it for a steal about 18 months ago. The information I’ve absorbed over that time has earned or saved me thousands of dollars and hopefully many more to come : )   Definitely my best investment ever. If you don’t have some kind of portable audio player, I’d recommend searching the web for one on sale and filling it full of information you want to learn.  While you’re shopping, look for one that you can dictate into as well so that you can record mental notes for yourself as you listen and learn.

If only all the personal finance sites would just record their content on audio, I could listen to posts about money all day long : )  Oh well, until that happens we’ll just have to read them, here are some good ones this week:

What A Financially Painful Childhood Can Teach You about Money @ Money, Matter, & More

Reader Question: I’m Investing Regularly, but How Do I Know if I’m Doing Well? @ Generation X Finance

Where Would You Put Money Now? @ Lazy Man & Money

There are Lifecycle Funds. Then There are Lifecycle ETFs @ Suns Financial Diary

Yet Another Finance Giveaway! Enter Our First Year Anniversary Prize Giving Event @ The Digerati Life

Credit Card Debt: It’s About Responsibility, Not Math @ Blueprint for Financial Prosperity

Look Before You Leap: Roth IRA Conversions in 2010 @ Five Cent Nickel

Find Out How Bad (Or Good) Your Situation Really Is @ No Credit Needed

List of money-related forums and discussion boards @ Mighty Bargain Hunter

I Almost Saved $100k on a Home! @ Free Money Finance

When Everyday Life Gets in the Way of Your Dreams – And A Plan To Get Past It @ The Simple Dollar

Thanks to Mighty Bargain Hunter for hosting the Carnival of Personal Finance last week.  I’ve done it once before and know it’s a LOT of work.  Also, I’ve recently become acquainted with another network of personal finance sites that offer interesting money stories and tips you might want to check out, the sites are listed below:


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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8 Responses to Personal Finance Review – Best Investment I Ever Made Edition

  • Pinyo

    Thank you. It’s really helpful to work with a cooperative team (with diversity of thought).

  • Ben

    Pinyo, good work organizing the M-network. It’s nice to see a bunch of quality content all in one place.

  • Pinyo

    I didn’t realize that my blog and the M-Network was mentioned until just. Thank you for introducing us to your readers!

  • Ben

    Andrew, I have a wide assortment of audio on my mp3: Vanguard podcasts, Jay Abraham (business), Sandy Botkins (taxes), Yaro Starak’s podcasts & Darren Rowse (blogging), John Jantsch (marketing), and a lot more.

  • AndrewNYC

    Ben, What content are you listening to? I love my iPod mini and use it all the time for podcast. I think a roundup of financial podcasts would be a great article and a great help to many.

  • Lynnae @ Being Frugal

    My mp3 player is constantly attached to my ears, too!

    Thanks for the link!

  • paidtwice

    Thanks for mentioning me and the M-Network! 🙂

  • The Dividend Guy

    I love my iPod and don’t even want to guess how many 1000’s of hours I have spend listening to Podcasts, music, and books. They are wonderful things…

    The Dividend Guy
