Personal Finance Mid Week Review – Free Stuff Edition

May 3, 2007

Five Cent Nickel has been writing about personal finance for two years now and is giving away free iPods and other goodies to celebrate!

The Digerati Life tells us 10 Ways To Organize and Simplify Your Finances.

Free Money Finance warns us about the greatest enemy of a good investment plan.

Binary Dollar offers a tip on a good way to pay off our mortgage early.

Generation X wraps up his 24 Signs You Could be in Financial Trouble series with the final post ignoring the signs.

The Frugal Duchess gives tips on bargaining for furniture & electronics. Our neighbors did this just last weekend to get a great deal on a TV at Best Buy.

The Simple Dollar talks about setting and reaching short-term and intermediate-term financial goals. I imagine we’ll soon see an article on long-term financial goals to round it out.

Blogging Away Debt tells us how she makes extra money for her family.

This mid week review is a new edition to the lineup. I’d typically been doing a weekly summary of personal finance articles but there are so many to mention that the weekly list was getting pretty long. I decided to break it up into twice a week and smaller lists, enjoy!


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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3 Responses to Personal Finance Mid Week Review – Free Stuff Edition

  • Tricia

    Thank you for the mention 🙂

  • frugal duchess

    Thanks for the mention.
    I’m glad that your neighbor received a good deal on the tv. And thanks Brandon for the kind words.

    Take Care!

  • FHA Home Loans

    Good call on that Digerati Life post. It’s some pretty basic stuff but it’s always nice to have a reminder. I also liked Frugal Dutchess post on bargaining for electronics. I love getting deals and I can’t help but love electronics! Keep up the good work.

