Personal Finance Decision Guide
Simplifying Personal Finances
Personal finances are sometimes complex and overwhelming but they don’t have to be. If you look at any complex task such as building a skyscraper or putting a human into space, it’s accomplished one small task at a time.
You create your financial situation one money decision at a time and the choices you make add up to where you stand today. Why not simplify your personal finances by approaching it in bite sized chunks?
Why Use the Personal Finance Decision Guide?
The goal of the Personal Finance Decision Guide is to help you take baby steps towards successful personal finance by looking at your finances one money decision at a time. Every edition of the Personal Finance Decision Guide will highlight a list of articles that each compare or explain two financial options. Use these articles to help you simplify your finances by making one money decision at a time.
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If you have an analysis of a personal finance decision you’d like to share submit it to the Personal Finance Decision Guide.
Decision Guides
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