Obsessing about Money, Cancer, Personal Development, & Family

April 24, 2007

Jeremy over at Generation X Finance shared his deep dark secrets and let the world know he’s obsessed with golf, his yard, cooking, and visitors to Generation X Finance. Now he wants to know what occupies my mind so here goes:

1) Personal Finance
I was raised to be a good steward with money and taught the basics of personal finance. Ever since then I’ve devoured books and magazines on money. I just enjoy learning about it, applying the concepts, and watching them work. I started this site to help myself learn more about money, help others learn about money, and to make some extra money. I know I’m succeeding on the first and third points and hope I’ve made some progress on the second.

2) Skin Cancer
I have a family history of skin cancer. I don’t stay awake thinking about it at night but I’m obsessive about protecting myself from the sun’s UV rays. You can ask my friends, I’ll be the only guy on the float trip or at the beach all covered up with a long sleeve shirt, a big hat, and layers of sun screen. I might look funny but I don’t care as long as I’m protecting myself.

A company named Sun Precautions makes a brand of clothing called Solumbra that is great at blocking UV ray and keeping you cool at the same time. Shopping on their website is the only time a cheap guy like me will drop $85 for a shirt.

3) Constant Improvement and Achievement
At the end of the day I don’t feel right if I didn’t learn something new and make progress on a few things on my “list”. I learn a lot from reading online and lately have taken to absorbing information via my MP3 player. It’s wonderful being able to learn about taxes from Sandy Botkin, blogging from Darren Rowse, internet marketing from Yaro Starak, and personal finance from Vanguard Podcasts all while driving to work. Of course the challenge is finding time to apply what I’ve learned in the evenings after my family goes to bed.

4) Finding Alternative Income
My poor wife, every day I have a new idea. She probably gets sick of hearing about all of them but she’s a good sport. Plus she’ll be finishing up her job in about a month to stay at home with our son so she’s open to different ways to make extra money. Right now I generate alternative income by selling on eBay and from this website. There are more sources to come; I’m still working on finding them 🙂

5) My Family
Of course the most important thing in my life is my family. I was reminded of this today as I pulled into the driveway and saw their smiling faces waiting for me. They’re a joy to be around and although sometimes it’s hard to strike a healthy work – family balance they are what keeps me going when I don’t really feel like going anywhere.


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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2 Responses to Obsessing about Money, Cancer, Personal Development, & Family

  • Ben

    Thanks Lazy, I’d never heard of Mexoryl SX before, I’ll have to check it out.

  • Lazy Man and Money

    Have you ever looked into sunscreen with Mexoryl SX in it? It’s not FDA approved, so you might have to get it shipped from Canada somehow, but it’s been approved in just about every other country for years and seems to be a nice advance. It’s worth looking into if you haven’t already.
