New Baby Girl is Making Us Sleepy
April 26, 2009

Newborn babies are a lot of work! It’s only been a little over a week since we’ve had our little girl at home but it seems like a lot longer than that. The days kind of run together when you’re sleep deprived and trying to figure out how to handle a new baby.
Luckily we’ve had a lot of help! My mom stayed with our son while we were in the hospital and my mother-in-law came for a week to help us get through those first few rough days.
The second baby has been easier in some ways than the first since now we know how to take care of a tiny crying bundle. However, its been more difficult in other ways since we’re now trying to juggle two kids at once.
Time has been a really scare resource and I’m really thankful to everyone that’s contributed articles to the site. You’ll know who they are because their name will be at the bottom of the article with a link back to their own website.
I found a few minutes this morning before everyone got up to check in on the personal finance info online and ran across this cute baby video from All Financial Matters. Here are some other articles I read that might interest you:
The Money Writers
- When a Part-Time Job Beats a Full-Time Job – Frugal Dad
- Buying High and Selling Low Continues for Many Investors – Gen X Finance
- Index Funds Are Still Not Popular, But – Suns Financial Diary
- Dividend Payout Timing for the Monthly Cashflow – Million Dollar Journey
- How To Make Cheap Phone Calls and Lower Your Phone Bill – Digerati Life
- Why I Spend – Brip Blap
- 16 Second Quarter Financial Tips – My Dollar Plan
Money Scribes
- First Personal Finance Podcast Has Arrived – Consumerism Commentary
- Use a Blog to Sell Your Home – Get Rich Slowly
- Win $200 Home Depot Gift Card – Bargaineering
- Making Work Pay Tax Credit – Five Cent Nickel
- So Your Life Sucks, But Your Finance Doesn’t Have To – Stop Buying Crap
Money Blog Network
- Dave Ramsy’s Town Hall for Hope Recap –Free Money Finance
- Some things I learned helping a homeless person – Mighty Bargain Hunter
- Several Ounces of Prevention – No Credit Needed
Around the Web
- 50 Side Businesses You Can Start On Your Own – The Simple Dollar
- Predictive & Historial Budgets – Financial Health Guy
- Establish a Proper Relationship with Your Debt – Debt Free Adventure
- Guide to the SEP IRA – Financial Nut
- 10 Ways to Green Your Finances – The Centsible Life
Pointers on Buying Your First Home – Good Financial Cents
Okay, now it’s back to baby duty!

All posts by Ben Edwards
Our first (also a little girl) is on the way… only a couple months out! I’m looking forward to it, but I know we will be in store for a major life style adjustment!
Congrats, and I hope your sleep levels out soon! 🙂
Congratulations! Do try to get a little sleep in 🙂
My wife & I are in our early 30’s. We JUST started trying for a baby and are so excited! I can not wait for a few little buggers running around! Hopefully they are like their mother…that will be a blessing! 😉
Thanks Matt! We certainly do feel blessed. Even though the kids are a lot of work, their smiling faces make it all worthwhile : )
Congratulations, and God bless you & your family!