My Son’s First Words Could Be Expensive
July 27, 2007
As we sat on the front step after work today my son pointed his little finger at to a passing vehicle and said his first words, CAR! After my excitement wore off, I had to laugh at his choice of first words and imagine what it might mean for the future.

He could have said mom, dad, book, bird, ball, bath; all things that he knows and loves. Instead he comes out with car! A big loud expensive piece of machinery that guzzles gas money and most people buy on installment plans. Of course I’m reading too much into this exciting event. I’m uber pleased that he’s starting to put words to objects and love the excitement in his wide eyes as he watches cars roll by! However, the little money man on my shoulder can’t help but dread the day he actually wants a car of his own.
I basically see cars as one big money pit. Between car payments, insurance, maintenance, and gas they can suck the life out of your paycheck, especially as gas prices rise higher and higher. Of course they are helpful for getting to work and transporting us around town but I’d prefer to live with one or zero cars if I had a choice, much cheaper.
I know one day my son will decide he wants his own car. As a teenager, the costs of car ownership will be the furthest thing from his mind. Having the freedom of his own ride will trump all common sense and all his hard earned money will be sunk into one of the most expensive pieces of machinery he’ll likely ever buy. Sure it will be a good lesson in responsibility but who needs one of those; he’ll have plenty in life, why rush into it?
For now, I’m just happy that the little guy is starting to talk and look forward to all the new words he’ll start to say. I’ll just have to make it clear someday that all the money we’re putting away for him now is intended for paying college bills, starting a business, or some other productive endeavor, NOT for buying a car!

All posts by Ben Edwards
How cool is that?! Who cares what it actually was, but the fact that he’s starting to recognize and name objects is awesome 🙂
Is this your first child? I can only imagine how great of a feeling this must have been for you and I cannot wait until I get to experience it myself, first-hand.
Rock on Dad!
My first born kid’s first word was esoteric: “sticky” or something like that. It turns out he’s no cookie-cutter kid (he started reading at 2.5 years old, then was a late talker). I didn’t know you could predict how kids turn out from what their first words were, till now.