Merry Christmas!

December 25, 2010

I hope you’re having a merry Christmas!  Our four year old son has made this one of the most enjoyable holidays in a long time.  His excitement and wonder have been contagious.  It’s neat to think back to a time when even the smallest things could be so exciting.

He didn’t get that many presents because we’re not into buying tons of gifts but we’ve worked really hard on teaching him to be thankful.  He seems to be appreciative of his presents so we’re happy about that.

If you’re taking it easy today, I put together a big list of personal finance articles you can check out in your down time. Today’s roundup leads with a Christmas section followed by some articles on charity and year end financial topics.  Enjoy!



Taxes & Year End


Personal Finance



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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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