Connie Brooks Writer Profile

Connie Brooks is the owner of Thrifty, and the author of the book “How to Retire Comfortably and Happy on Less Money Than the Financial Experts Say You Need: Insider Secrets to Spending Less While Living More“. (August 2008)
Connie is passionate about personal finance. She believes that taking firm control of your money allows you to protect yourself and your family in more ways than simply “being rich”.
Having financial security opens up many doors that would otherwise remain shut; like advanced medical care, private tutoring and schools for your children, and retirement at an earlier age. All of these things matter far more than your bottom dollar, but they aren’t possible without having a rock-solid foundation for your money.
Connie lived “poor” for a number of years – she squandered her money, avoided her creditors and generally made a miserable mess of her finances. So, she has a bit of a rags-to-riches tale. One day she finally woke up and realized that there were other ways to live (besides in a desperate panic) and she began the long road back to financial responsibility. She has never looked back!
Today, Connie is a financially stable, successful freelance author. She is “Mama” to her beautiful daughter, and wife to an amazing husband. She is excited about her life, and her future.
You can visit Connie on the web at:
You can also email her directly at:
Connie [at]
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