Clean Up Your Finances Four Times a Year
March 28, 2008
Did you realize that every March 31st, you’re 25% of the way towards the end of the year? By the end of June you’re half-way through the year.
I’m very aware of this since I work in an industry where the end of each quarter means a lot of work for us. It seems like the first quarter will have just finished when we’re already approaching the end of 2nd quarter, time to do it all over again.
The fact that there are four quarter ends in a year can offer great opportunity for your finances. At the end of every three months it’s a good habit to look back over your income, expenses, and investments for the past quarter and give them a review.
Not only is 3 months a simple milestone to remember it’s also when many financial companies send out balance and performance statements. When you see them show up in the mail take some time to sit down and go over how your personal finances have done over the previous 3 months.
Another good thing about a 3 month span is that it’s a short enough time so that if money leaks develop, you can discover and plug them before too much damage is done.
Corporations use each quarter end to summarize thier activities and report their financial status. If huge billion dollar businesses can find the time to review their balance sheets and cash flows every three months don’t you think your household could do the same?
All posts by Ben Edwards
Great idea to stop and take a look at how things are going instead of letting an entire year go by before doing so. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m looking at my situation on an almost daily/weekly basis just because of the crunch that I’m currently in. Perhaps the quarterly review will be more reality once I’m further along in my goals.
Thanks Howie, I fixed it. I’ve been a bit busy lately and lost track of it. Thanks for the heads up.
Er, you may want to update your RSS feed, as it’s advertising ING direct @ 4%. They’re currently at 3%.