Batting 1000 in Personal Finance

December 8, 2006

One small step for me, one giant leap for personal finance!

Okay, I won’t get ahead of myself.

1000 Served
I passed my 1000th visit yesterday, whoopee! I know 1000 is not very many but everyone has to start somewhere. Getting started is the hardest part but also the most crucial to success 🙂

Providing Inspiration
Based on the standard personal finance metrics, I feel I’ve done pretty well living a money smart life to date. The next obvious step to me is help inspire others to be money smart and talk about how to “keep it real” when it comes to a money/life balance. One thousand visits is almost 1000 times more of a difference I would have made without this site. The Internet is a wonderful thing, thanks Al Gore :).

Thank You
My favorite spot on SiteMeter is the “By Referrals” page. Very interesting and useful to checkout where people are flooding, or trickling, in from. Thanks to those of you that point readers my way. Also, thanks to those of you offering comments, I think discussion is a great way to learn and grow.

To Infinity and Beyond
“If you want to talk the talk, then walk the walk.” I guess if I want to inspire others to save and invest I need to talk about where I’m at in my personal finance journey. One thing I need to do next is publish my financial standings as so many others have done.

Henry over at let me know he didn’t think much of my site’s look and feel but was adding this site to his blogroll anyway. I thanked him for the link and assured him a new theme is in the works. Once it arrives, let me know what you think.

I have some other cool ideas (at least they seem cool in my head) that I’m working on that will hopefully broaden the discussion and awareness of personal finance. I can’t wait to share them with you!

Thanks for reading and joining the journey for a money smart life!


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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7 Responses to Batting 1000 in Personal Finance

  • moneysmartz

    Thanks for the advice!

  • dimes

    I’m with you on the sitemeter referrals page! I’ve just recently broken 900, 1000, and 1100 all within the same week and it’s because a popular timely search is bringing a lot of curious people to my site. It feels good to see that sitemeter number get bigger and bigger and the thought you might make a difference in someone’s life is encouraging.
    If you’re worried about being sued, along with your disclaimer add some liability insurance. People can sue for anything and they don’t have to have found your blogsite to sue you. Anyone with significant assets should have an umbrella policy.

  • jim

    Congratulations! I’m with the pro-net worth crowd but I don’t think you should do something just because everyone else is doing it. I put net worth on for a while (it got me in the NYTimes) but I took it off for six months and then put it back on again with no ill effects (from what I didn’t post it).

    Posting a high net worth won’t give you credibility and not posting a net worth will not take away credibility, people will automatically put your words into their BS filter 🙂

  • bluntmoney

    Congrats 🙂

  • Golbguru

    Congrats on passing the 1000 mark.

    I will gloss upon the lighter side of the net-worth disclosure. Unless you are posting net worths more than a million you should feel pretty safe out there. Because some of the personal finance bloggers are posting to that tune already without hiding their identity. So if someone is interested in suing …there are better and lucrative targets than you are 🙂

    On a serious note, consider Flexo’s advice. (I already see a disclaimer down below…good work).

    Keep up the good work.

  • Flexo

    Congratulations on your 1000th visitor! I disagree with Bryan’s worry about being sued, but if you’re concerned, include a disclaimer on every page. I’d be more concerned if you have identifying information on the site, so someone can determine what you have that is valuable as well as where you live. If you post you’re going on vacation, they know your house will be empty. That’s the only thing I’d be concerned about, but it’s still so unlikely if you’re even the least bit careful.

  • Bryan C. Fleming

    Be careful about sharing your “net worth”. It’s a very cool idea, but think about this….

    Someone sees you have a networth of say 100K or a million bucks. So, they decide to sue you to get your nest egg. Maybe they decide to sue you for giving “bad” advice and they lost money.. who knows??? People can and do sue for just about anything. And if they *know* you got money……. well you get the picture.

    Be careful with it like I said….

    Congrats on your 1000th visitor. Love the site 😉

    – Bryan
