How to Pay for Graduate School
October 9, 2013
Graduate school presents the opportunity for many to advance in a particular skill or specialize in a specific area of knowledge. In some cases, a master’s degree is a career move, landing you a better job, or a raise at your current job. Depending on what you want to do, there are situations in which […]
Student Tips for Online Classes
March 1, 2011
Studying for a online degree has some challenges that you might not see in a regular college classroom. After sharing her experiences yesterday with an online masters degree and her thoughts on online education, I asked Rishona if she could offer some tips for students who will be taking taking courses online. Here they are: 1) […]
Why an Online Masters Degree?
February 28, 2011
The value of an online masters degree for your career was something we discussed last year so when I met Rishona Campbell and learned she was halfway through her online masters degree program I wanted to know why she’d chosen to do it online. I asked if she’d write a little about her experiences – below is […]
Online Master’s Degrees & Your Career
November 2, 2010
Has your college degree declined in value over the years? These days a bachelor’s degree is almost a must to even get a job and many professionals are turning to a Master’s degree to help them get ahead. Unfortunately working full-time and trying to get to a physical classroom on a regular basis can be […]
MBA Programs Q&A
October 29, 2010
After looking at how to choose an MBA program and some tips on MBA programs for young professionals I thought I’d talk with a few people who had already earned an MBA degree and get their feedback. I asked Sam from Financial Samurai, Dan at Darwin’s Money, and Neil from Vannoy Advisory Group a few questions […]
MBA Programs for Generation Earn
October 28, 2010
Since MBA programs and their value are are this week’s topic I turned to US News and World Report columnist and author Kimberly Palmer. You’ve probably heard of the US News & World report college rankings but you may not have heard about Kimberly’s new book, Generation Earn. The second chapter is titled “Job Juggling” and […]
How to Choose an MBA Program
October 27, 2010
An MBA program is a great addition to almost any career. Combine any other skill set (engineering, biology, computer science, etc) with business school and it can give you a big career advantage. But which MBA program should you apply to? How do you know the school you select is really the top MBA for […]