Want to Start a Career? Consider Moving to One of These Cities!
May 26, 2014
It’s a tough job market out there. Trying to start your career can be a difficult proposition these days. However, there are some places where it’s a little easier than others to start a career. If you are struggling in your current job market, it might be time to move to a different job market. […]
How to Know It’s Time to Quit Your Job
May 19, 2014
We often refer to the traditional workplace as the “rat race.” As the name implies, it’s often seen as a place that we want to escape. However, it’s not always best to simply walk away. In many cases, due to the fact that you are likely using your job as your primary source of income, […]
Do You Have a Plan for a Career Setback?
May 12, 2014
The idea of losing your job, or experiencing a large cut in your hours, is probably not one that you want to think about. However, the reality is that the economy is changing, as is the job landscape. I’m a freelancer, and I don’t have to worry about being “laid off,” but even I think […]
How to Be Productive – Even When You Don’t Want to Be
May 5, 2014
Some days, I don’t feel like doing anything productive. I want to sit around with a book and not worry about getting things done. While it’s nice to take a break sometimes, and while we need to take breaks on occasion, the reality is that sitting around in a stupor isn’t going to help anything. There’s […]