You Need a New Job!
October 3, 2008
If you are as unahppy in your job as I was in mine, then you should think about finding a new one. I started my new job on Monday and this has been the most stress free week I’ve had in Years!
It was a lot of work refreshing my resume, evaluating jobs, and finishing my projects at my last employer but it was definitely worth it. Even though I’m earning less money now I’m much happier and quitting my job even taught me a few things.
Now that I’m not as busy I had a little more free time to read up on personal finance around the web. Here are some highlights for the week:
Frugal Dad is looking for a good gas credit card, here’s a review of the best gas credit cards and a place where you can compare gas credit cards.
Speaking of new jobs, Get Rich Slowly talks about getting paid what you’re worth and Free Money Finance reminds us not to stop looking for a job prematurely.
I’m sure you heard about Washington Mutual’s troubles, Sun lets us know the mutual funds that were hit hard by WaMu’s failure. Hope you don’t own any of those. Yesterday I covered money tips for a bad economy and along the same lines the Digerati Life offers up frugal steps for the economic crisis.
Million Dollar Journey asks “is it a recession” and Blueprint for Financial Prosperity shows us how to sell your gold jewelry and cash in on the high price of gold.
My Dollar plan has a summary of the Wall Street bailout, and the Simple Dollar reminds us the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.
Generation X Finance asks if you think $250K is too excessive for FDIC insurance and in light of the poor economic conditions Mighty Bargain Hunter is going to be launching a back to financial basics series.
Five Cent Nickel reminds us of the three biggest risks of retirement and ways to reduce them, and No Credit Needed shares how he lives without borrowing money.
Have a nice Saturday and Sunday! Relax, there shouldn’t be any annoucements of banks failing over the weekened.

All posts by Ben Edwards
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