Six Irritating Year End Expenses that I Hate!
December 15, 2006
I usually try to write things of a positive nature here at Money Smart Life but I got our Home Owners Association year end bill in the mail today and it pissed me off! It seems everyone wants our money at the end of the year, which is usually when we have the least to spend. So here they are, my six least favorite year end expenses:
Home Owners Association Dues
What does my home owner’s association do for me that I should pay them $200 a year in fees?
TurboTax eFile Charges
You just get done giving all your money to the government, and you have to pay $20 to eFile? Talk about rubbing salt in an open wound!
Personal Property Taxes
I already have to pay gas, insurance, and repairs all year long on our cars. Then I’m hit with hundreds of dollars of property tax at the end of the year. Another reason to make my car last as long as possible, avoid the high property taxes on newer cars!
Recurring Subscriptions
Many services now offer a reduced monthly rate if you pay for a year at a time. I like to save money so sometimes I bite. I hate getting my credit card bill in December or January and seeing my annual charge pop up.
Escrow Charges
It seems every December I get a letter from my mortgage company informing me they’ll have to increase my monthly payments starting in January to help fund my escrow. Thanks to the real estate gains of the last few years, property taxes have increased and along with it my escrow payment. I really need to dispute the property revaluation the government does every year to help reduce the cost of this one.
Healthcare Costs
Have you ever gotten a letter from HR in October during open enrollment informing you of health care increases? Come January, you go to the doctor or pharmacy and surprise your co-pay is higher! I guess I should schedule all my appointments and prescriptions for December to beat the increases.
What expenses blindside you at the end of the year?
All posts by Ben Edwards