Save Money By Watching TV Tuesday Nights

November 20, 2012

Watching Jean Chatzky’s new TV show “Money Matters” can give you a few new money saving tips each week.

I had a chance to chat with Jean about the new show and one of the things that sounds promising about Money Matters is that she’s getting personal with the viewers.

A “Personal” Finance Show

With the help of social media Jean’s connecting with and sharing the stories of real people and their money challenges.  There are also two segments per show where she goes out “into the field” and talks with people about their money.

I know from writing about money on this site that it’s one thing to talk about money, but taking that next step to put things into practice is where the real success happens. 

For example, Jean interviews an investing club, whose members have pooled their money to invest in something other than the stock market.  She also researches how to be a great shopper and in her results shares a somewhat surprising profile of a fabulous shopper.

Not Your Parent’s TV Show

Actually, it might be. Jean has taken care to focus on the challenges and advantages of the Baby Boomer generation in her show.  As she points out, people who are over 50 are not only worrying about their own retirement but may be simultaneously caring for older parents and paying for kids in college.

Whether due to the economy or just a new life phase many Boomers are starting a new career or looking to transition careers.  The show has a segment called Passion and Purpose that highlights people who have experienced this transition.  Jean will be profiling some interesting stories with big names such as Kay Unger, Kathy Lee Gifford, and Tom Brokaw.

Learn from Your Elders

Since I’m not from the Baby Boomer generation I asked Jean if Money Matters would still be a show for me?  As she pointed out, although the people being featured may be be a little older and wiser, the money advice should be applicable to a wide range of ages.

We actually talked a little about how some of the segments could be a good way to learn from the experiences of others.  In her years giving money advice Jean has heard so many people say “If I’d have only known….”.  You could see this show as a good chance for someone under 50 to pick up some things to watch out for as they go through their financial life.

Buyer’s Remorse Club

If you’ve ever regretted a purchase, you may feel a little schadenfreude over the segment called “Oh, I Shouldn’t Have”.  You’ll get to smirk as viewers talk to Jean over Skype and show pictures of things they purchased that they regret. 

It won’t teach you much about money but maybe it’ll make you feel better when you see a bigger dud purchase than the last one you made.  It happens to the best of us, Jean will be sharing some of her purchase regrets as well.

Unhappy Callers?

Over the years, Jean has had to field a wide variety of questions about money.  When I asked what questions stood out in her mind she brought up a frequently asked type of question that she always answers in the same way.

Many times people already know what they “should” do in a certain situation.  However, they don’t like that option so they’re calling in almost asking for permission to do what they’d like instead.

Although they may hang up unhappy, Jean never gives them permission to do the wrong thing.  She says it in a nice way but she always tells them NO : )

Money Rules
Every show Jean will talk about one of the principles from her book, Money Rules.  If you read my Money Rules review you’ll know that I really like the way Jean breaks down personal finance into these 94 rules.

When I asked what her favorite rule is she told me that she likes the “Shopping Trifecta” of these three rules:

  • Don’t Shop Angry
  • Don’t Shop Sad
  • Don’t Shop Hungry 

Jean goes into the reasons behind each of these in her book.  I’m actually giving away copies of Money Rules on the Money Smart Life Facebook page in conjunction with the launch of Money Matters.

If you’d like to win a copy, be sure to tune into Money Matters on Tuesday nights on RLTV – then check out my Facebook page to see how you can win.


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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