Personal Finance Review – Holiday Roundup Edition
December 28, 2007
What makes the holiday season special? In my opinion it’s who you spend it with, not how much you spend on it. Contrary to what retailers would have you think, you can have a perfectly fulfilling holiday season without setting foot in a store or hitting any door buster sales.
Thanks to the shopping on the Internet you can find some of the best deals available and have them delivered to your door; saving you time, money, and stress. Instead of spending your time trudging through the crowds, you can spend it with the ones you care about most. Of course, you’ll also have time to check out some of the good money posts this week.
Five Cent Nickel talks about the alternative minimum tax and the Digerati Life offers up answers to tax questions.
To help cover the growth in social lending options, Lazy Man & Money is launching a new peer-to-peer lending carnival.
Generation X Finance discusses shady Fed mortgages and Suns Financial Diary lets us know about a $100 bonus for opening an account with OptionXpress.
Free Money Finance suggests the best way to spend your year end bonus and the Mighty Bargain Hunter covers end-of-year bargains.
No Credit Needed is sick of credit card applications and Blueprint for Financial Prosperity takes a look at different types of bank accounts.
Get Rich Slowly talks about the value of social capital and The Simple Dollar gives tips on finding a mentor.
Happy Holidays!

All posts by Ben Edwards