Financial Tips to Help You Make Money in a Bad Economy
April 21, 2008
Welcome to your guide to turning economic lemons into profitable lemonade. We all know the economy is struggling and we’re all worried about it. The sub-prime mortgage mess, the credit bubble bursting, the weak and falling US dollar, high gas prices, and a recession are more than enough to keep us up at night.
The good news is that there are always economic opportunities to be had and that’s what I’m going to focus on this week. For example, although gas prices reached record levels today, all is not lost. Sure, fuel costs are going to hit businesses and consumers right where it hurts, but that pain will create opportunity.
The more we’re paying for gas, the higher the demand for alternative energy, and the bigger the payout for those that invest in a winning solution. I covered these “green opportunities” just yesterday in Earth Day Profits – How You Can Make Money from Saving the Environment.
Coming up this week we’ll take a look at the following methods of saving or profiting from the troubled economy:
- 4 Ways You Can Profit from the Falling Dollar
- 3 Ways You Can Profit from a Down Real Estate Market
- 3 Ways to Make Extra Money in a Recession
- Best Gas Credit Cards to Save You Money at the Pump
Of course, most of these are long term approaches. In a global economy, people across the world are going to feel the crunch of tough economic times; but if we can invest wisely when opportunities exist then we’re bound to see better rewards in the future.
Stay tuned for this weeks articles on turning economic lemons into profitable lemonade.
All posts by Ben Edwards
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