Financial Education
September 17, 2006
What You Don’t Learn in School
One of the things I find most troubling about our society is the lack of financial education in schools. While math, science, and English are required learning, personal finance courses are either not available or not required.
Blueprint for Trouble
The travesty is we prepare our youth to be competitive in the job market, but we don’t teach them how to handle money once they earn it. We’re setting them up for lives of debt and a difficult financial future.
Entrepreneurial Gap
What’s even worse is the lack of instruction on how to make money for themselves. We teach them skills that employers are looking for. Guidance counselors talk to kids about going to college and finding a career. They help them write resumes and learn how to interview. Youth learn the skills necessary to work for someone else but aren’t introduced to the basics of earning money for themselves.
Making a Difference
The failure to educate America’s youth on finance matters has created a country full of people needing financial guidance. I’ve often wanted to share the concepts of smart personal finance with others but have lacked a method to get the message across without sounding as if I was bragging or nagging. Self-publishing on the Internet is definitely a way for one person to make a difference. My goal is to help others take another look at the way they think about money and they way they use it.
All posts by Ben Edwards