Financial Checkup – Motivation

October 24, 2006

Principle 2 – Motivation
This principle actually helps determine our application of the Behavior principle. We need something to motivate us to change our behavior. Often, the reason we do the little things in life is to help achieve the big things.

We need motivation to get up and exercise every day or to avoid unhealthy foods or habits. We also need a motivation to avoid over spending and promote savings and investing. This all comes from some type of vision. For physical health it may be fitting into our swim suit next summer or lowering our blood pressure. For financial health it could be buying that boat we’ve always wanted or quitting our job.

If we can find our “Why”, our Motivation to change our Behavior, then we’re on the right path. One warning, a goal is not good enough. It inspires us until the goal is met, then we flounder. What is required to continually motivate us is a vision.

Goal vs Vision
For example, a physical health goal might be to lower our blood pressure. A vision would be to live a healthy life so that we’re around to meet our great grandkids. A financial health goal could be to save up enough to pay your kid’s college tuition. A vision would be to create a foundation that would fund the continuing education of the next two generations of your family.

The goal is reachable. What will keep you motivated once it is reached? The vision has a much larger scope and may even seem unattainable. However, this challenge, this dream, will keep you striving towards success. It will motivate you to change your Behavior to achieve your vision. Stay tuned for the next principle, Financial Checkup – Influence.


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Ben Edwards, the founder of Money Smart Life, saved up enough to buy a Nintendo back when he was 12 years old. When he used the money to buy shares of Wal-Mart stock instead, he knew he wasn't like the other kids... His addiction to personal finance has paid off for his family and now he's helping you to afford the life that you want. Check him out on the web at Google Plus, Twitter and Facebook.

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3 Responses to Financial Checkup – Motivation


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